Former postdoctoral students |
Contact : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Damien Huyghe is a teacher-researcher at MINES ParisTech in Fontainebleau (PSL University). |
Vincent Mouchi is a post-doctoral researcher at the Adaptation and Diversity in Marine Environment laboratory (UMR7144) at the Roscoff Biological Station. |
Mustafa Yücel is a researcher at Ankara University in Turkey (Middle East Technical University, Institute of Marine Sciences). |
Former technicians and engineers |
Marjorie Bideau is a technician at INRA, experimental fish farming in Monts d'Arrée, Finistère Brittany |
Lionel Feuillassier works at Océanopolis in Brest. |
Former doctoral students |
Solveig Bourgeois
Solveig defended her thesis on December 07, 2011 |
Leila Chapron is engineer in the socity Plastica@sea, Bnayuls/mer |
Mathieu Chatelain is DevOps Engineer at Davidson EST (Mulhouse, France)
Mathieu defended his thesis on July 05, 2010 |
Leonardo Contreira-Pereira is a contract researcher at the hydrochemical laboratory of the Fundação Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG), Institute of Oceanography in Brazil. |
Sandrine Fanfard works in Martinique. |
Dimitri Kalenitchenko is teacher-reseacher at LIENSs UMR 7266, La Rochelle Univesity |
Sabrina Lucas is a contract researcher at the University of CaenBasse Normandie, UMR 6143 Continental and Coastal Morphodynamics, dynamics of coastal systems. |
Charlotte Moritz is ATER contract researcher at CRIOBE-EPHE, Station marine de Moorea (French Polynesia) after a post-doctorate at the University of Quebec in Rimouski UQAR · Institut des Sciences de la Mer de Rimouski (ISMER) · Ecology laboratory benthic. |
Sarah Nahon is a researcher at INRA (Saint Pée sur Nivelle) after a post-doctorate at the Insular Research Center and Environmental Observatory (CRIOBE, USR 3278), University of Perpignan. |
Karine Nedoncelle is schoolteacher in the academy Nice, France |
Mariana Padron Gaboriau is field application specialist at Bertin Technologies ( Montigny le Bretonneux, France) |
Olivier Pereira is a post-doc in China. |
Elsa Stetten has left for Cambodia. |
Mareike Volkenandt Mareike defended his thesis on February 5, 2015 |
Click on the name to access the personal data sheet.
CNRS: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, SU : Sorbonne University ASR: Accreditation to supervise research. |
Dans ce bloc // veut dire commentaire sinon il faut utiliser / * et * / (sans espace) pour faire des commentaires
Le format de la structure est le suivant:
"Nom de la categorie":{
"parametre":"valeur", // permet de donner des indications pour l'affichage, principalement la couleur et l'orientation
{ // declare un enfant de la categorie, il sera dans la bulle de cette categorie
"type1":"valeur1", // ici on declare un doublet (type,valeur) cela n'affichera que la valeur1 suivant le formattage de type1
"type2":["valeur2","valeur3"], // on peut associer aussi une liste de valeurs cela permet de faire une enumeration
{ // declare un autre enfant de la categorie, il sera mis a cote du precedent (suivant l'orientation)
"children":{ //declare des liens qui vont servir a faire les connections entre les categories, le formatage doit donc etre le meme
"":{ // ici la categorie n'a pas de nom et contient un seul element
"Direction": {
/* Direction */
"color": "yellow",
"style": "background-color: #FBAB7E;background-image: linear-gradient(16deg, #FBAB7E 0%, #F7CE68 100%);font-weight:400;",
"statut": "Director",
"nom": "Katell Guizien",
"fonction": "DR, CNRS",
"link" : "people/personnel-list/researchers/katell-guizien",
"statut": "Deputy Director",
"nom": "Stéphane Hourdez",
"fonction": "CR, CNRS",
"link" : "people/personnel-list/researchers/stephane-hourdez",
"children": {
"": {
/* Catégorie spéciale */
"color": "red",
"style": "background-image: radial-gradient( circle farthest-corner at 10% 20%, rgba(253,101,133,1) 0%, rgba(255,211,165,1) 90% );font-weight: 400;",
"floating": "left",
"statut": "Administrative and financial management",
"nom": "Nathalie Guillory",
"fonction": "AI, CNRS",
"": {
/* Catégorie spéciale */
"color": "red",
"style": "background-image: radial-gradient( circle farthest-corner at 10% 20%, rgba(253,101,133,1) 0%, rgba(255,211,165,1) 90% );font-weight: 400;",
"floating": "right",
"statut": "Permanent formation",
"nom": "Béatrice Rivière",
"fonction": "AI, CNRS",
"": {
/* Catégorie spéciale */
"color": "red",
"style": "background-image: radial-gradient( circle farthest-corner at 10% 20%, rgba(253,101,133,1) 0%, rgba(255,211,165,1) 90% );font-weight:400;",
"floating": "right",
"statut": "Prevention assistant",
"nom": "Lyvia Lescure",
"fonction": "TCN, SU",
"children": {
"": {
/* Tous les chercheurs */
"color": "blue",
"orientation": "grid",
"style":"height:500px;background: rgb(83,206,241); background: -moz-radial-gradient(circle, rgba(83,206,241,1) 0%, rgba(148,187,233,1) 100%); background: -webkit-radial-gradient(circle, rgba(83,206,241,1) 0%, rgba(148,187,233,1) 100%); background: radial-gradient(circle, rgba(83,206,241,1) 0%, rgba(148,187,233,1) 100%); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#53cef1',endColorstr='#94bbe9',GradientType=1);",
"statut": "CNRS researchers",
"noms": ["Lorenzo Bramanti", "François Charles", "Pierre Galand","Katell Guizien", "Stéphane Hourdez"],
"fonctions": ["CR", "CR, HDR", "DR, HDR", "DR, HDR", "CR, HDR"],
"statut": "Teacher-researchers Sorbonne University",
"noms": ["Julia Baudart-Lenfant" , "François Lantoine", "Franck Lartaud", "Laurence Méjanelle","Audrey Pruski","Jadwiga Rzeznik-Orignac"],
"fonctions": ["MC" , "MC", "MC, HDR", "MC", "MC", "MC","MC"],
"statut": "Post-doctoral researchers",
"noms": ["Titus Immanuel","Axelle Fleury","Elisabetta Manea","Pierre Ramond","Carlotta Ruiz-Gazulla"],
"links": ["people/personnel-list/doctoral-students/titus-immanuel", "people/personnel-list/doctoral-students/axelle-fleury", "people/personnel-list/doctoral-students/elisabetta-manea", "people/personnel-list/doctoral-students/pierre-ramond", "people/personnel-list/doctoral-students/carlotta-ruiz-gazulla"]
"statut": "Volunteer researchers from Sorbonne University",
"noms": ["Jean-Michel Amouroux"],
"links": ["people/personnel-list/researchers/jean-michel-amouroux"]
"statut": "PhD students (* co-direction)",
"noms": ["Eva Agranier*","Nathan Nault*","Lauryn Olla","Nolwenn Pagès", "Joëlle Robbe*","Linta Vonta","Adèle Wolinski*"],
"links": ["people/personnel-list/doctoral-students/eva-agranier",
"": {
/* Tous les personnels de soutien */
"color": "green",
"style":"height:500px;background: rgb(34,193,195); background: -moz-linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(34,193,195,1) 0%, rgba(130,190,129,1) 69%, rgba(253,187,45,1) 100%); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(34,193,195,1) 0%, rgba(130,190,129,1) 69%, rgba(253,187,45,1) 100%); background: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(34,193,195,1) 0%, rgba(130,190,129,1) 69%, rgba(253,187,45,1) 100%); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#22c1c3',endColorstr='#fdbb2d',GradientType=1);",
"orientation": "column",
"statut": "Engineers and technicians",
"noms": ["Nathalie Guillory","Céline Labrune","Lyvia Lescure","Erwan Péru","Béatrice Rivière","Gilles Vétion","Thomas Boyer","Camille Calmels"],
"fonctions": ["AI, CNRS","IR, CNRS","TCN, SU","IE, CNRS","AI CNRS","IE, CNRS","IE, CNRS, FTC", "SU, FTC" ],
"links": ["people/personnel-list/technical-research-support-personnel/nathalie-guillory",
Grammaire du pseudo language un point . signifie n'importe quel caractere, une etoile * signifier zero ou plus, d'ou .* signifier zero ou plus caractere. Plus + signifier 1 au moins donc .+ represente un caractere ou plus. Les espaces n'ont pas de signification en dehors de guillement "". Les parentheses signifie un groupe donc ("a")+ est au minimum "a" mais peut etre "a""a" ou encore "a""a""a""a""a", | signifie ou ainsi (a|b) est soit a soit b, et donc (a|b)* est ababbbbaaaa par exemple. (){0,1} signifie le groupe aucune ou une fois.
La grammaire est donc la suivante, on remarque qu'il ne peut y avoir que un seul element racine, tout le reste peut-etre demultiplier,
ici en tant que parmetres seul color et orientation sont reconnus, de meme en tant que type seul statut, nom, noms, fonction et fonctions le sont.
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