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Professor assistant at Sorbonne University Paris (France)
Laboratoire d'écogéochimie des environnements benthiques (LECOB/CNRS-Sorbonne Université UMR 8222) Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls.


My expertise goes from marine biology to sediment biogeochemistry including ecogenotoxicology.
My academic background and my scientific interests led me to study organism-environment interactions in benthic ecosystems by combining the experimental approach and the use of biomarkers. Biochemical markers are molecules initially present in living organisms. Their synthesis is sufficiently specific of a group of organisms or a metabolic pathways, so that their occurrence may be used as a indication of a biochemical pathway, the exposure of stress, the incorporation of a trophic resource, or the origins of organic matter (OM) in the sediments etc….

I use fatty acids and amino acids to investigate the reactivity of terrestrial OM in marine environments under the influence of major rivers (prodeltas, submarine canyons). Furthermore, I study energetic and trophic transfers in benthic organisms (corals, deep-sea fauna) using fatty acid biomarkers in combination with stable isotopes.

In addition, I have taken a particular interest in the research of new markers (Pruski et al. 2000) and in method optimization and validation, which is essential when using tools that have not been developed for marine invertebrates (Pruski & Dixon, 2003 ; 2007 ; 2009 ; Nahon et al. 2008).

I have been involved in the research program CONGOLOBE (2012-2016) where I have developed research at the frontier between organic geochemistry and ecology in the Congo deep-sea fan (Stetten et al. 2015, Pruski et al. 2022) with a focus on the chemosynthetic fauna (Pruski et al. 2017).

I also study the impact of environmental, natural or anthropogenic disturbances (river inputs, trawling, etc.) on benthic ecosystems in the north-western Mediterranean (IMPEC project, 2022-2023, French Agency for Biodiversity).

I am also invested in the study of trophic ecology of cold water corals (AO CARESE SU 2015, Foundation of scientific cooperation ROVALTAIN program PLAISCOOL 2016-2018). In particular, I study the feeding strategies of the corals using fatty acid biomarkers and the energetic status using lipid classes. This work combines field survey and laboratory experiments.

I am teaching marine biology, benthic ecology, marine sediment geochemistry, and land-ocean transfers at Sorbonne University (France). I am also involved in the International MASTER of Science in Marine Biological Resources IMBRsea.

I coordinate the EU course “Ecology and functioning of coastal ecosystems” UE MU5MRM12 FLUMECO.


1999-2002: Southampton Oceanographic Centre (SOC), Molecular genetics Team (Dr David Dixon).
2003- ...: University Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris 6), Banyuls Oceanographic Observatory, Benthic Ecogeochemistry Laboratory.

Leila Chapron
Pierre Galand
A.M. Pruski
Erwan Peru
et al.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
A.M. Pruski
Jadwiga Rzeznik-Orignac
Philippe Kerhervé
Gilles Vétion
et al.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
Pierre Galand
Marine Remize
Anne-Leila Meistertzheim
Audrey M Pruski
et al.
Environmental Microbiology
Christophe Rabouille
B. Dennielou
François Baudin
Mélanie Raimonet
et al.
Quaternary Science Reviews
Vincent Mouchi
Leila Chapron
Erwan Peru
Audrey M Pruski
et al.
Environmental Pollution
Núria Viladrich
Lorenzo Bramanti
Georgios Tsounis
Martina Coppari
et al.
Mediterranean Marine Science
L. Chapron
E. Péru
A. Engler
J F Ghiglione
et al.
Scientific Reports
C. Rabouille
K. Olu
François Baudin
A. Khripounoff
et al.
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography
Johann Schnyder
Elsa Stetten
François Baudin
Audrey M Pruski
et al.
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography
A.M. Pruski
C. Decker
E. Stetten
G. Vétion
et al.
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography
Pierre E. Galand
Sabrina Lucas
Sonja K. Fagervold
Erwan Peru
et al.
Frontiers in Microbiology
Dimitri Kalenitchenko
Sonja K Fagervold
Audrey M Pruski
Gilles Vétion
et al.
The International Society of Microbiologial Ecology Journal
Sonja K Fagervold
Solveig Bourgeois
Audrey M Pruski
François Charles
et al.
The International Society of Microbiologial Ecology Journal
Audrey M Pruski
A.M. Pruski
D.R. Dixon
Marine Environmental Research
David R Dixon
Audrey M Pruski
Linda R.J Dixon
Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis
Audrey M Pruski
Nathalie Rousse
Aline Fiala-Médioni
Jacques Boulègue
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK
David R Dixon
Audrey M Pruski
Linda R J Dixon
Awadhesh Jha
Audrey M Pruski
A. Fiala Médioni
R. Prodon
J. Colomines
Limnology and Oceanography
Audrey M Pruski
Aline Fiala-Médioni
Jacques Boulègue
Jean-Charles Colomines
Cahiers de Biologie Marine
Audrey M Pruski
Aline Fiala-Médioni
Jean-Charles Colomines
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series III - Sciences de la Vie
J.-M. Auzende
J. Hashimoto
A. Fiala-Médioni
S. Ohta
et al.
Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Serie II

Frequented establishments
University of Sciences and technologies (Lille 1), Lille, France

University Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris 6), Paris, France

French and foreign diplomas
PhD in Biological Oceanography, University Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris 6)