Former doctoral students
Solveig Bourgeois
Solveig defended her thesis on December 07, 2011
Leila Chapron is engineer in the socity Plastica@sea, Bnayuls/mer
Leila defended her thesis on October 10, 2019
Mathieu Chatelain is DevOps Engineer at Davidson EST (Mulhouse, France)
Mathieu defended his thesis on July 05, 2010
Leonardo Contreira-Pereira is a contract researcher at the hydrochemical laboratory of the Fundação Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG), Institute of Oceanography in Brazil.
Leonardo defended his thesis on December 04, 2012
Sandrine Fanfard works in Martinique.
Sandrine defended her thesis on December 13, 2016
Dimitri Kalenitchenko is teacher-reseacher at LIENSs UMR 7266, La Rochelle Univesity
contact : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dimitri defended his thesis on September 18, 2015
Sabrina Lucas is a contract researcher at the University of CaenBasse Normandie, UMR 6143 Continental and Coastal Morphodynamics, dynamics of coastal systems.
Contact: sabrina.lucas @
Sabrina defended her thesis on December 05, 2013
Charlotte Moritz is ATER contract researcher at CRIOBE-EPHE, Station marine de Moorea (French Polynesia) after a post-doctorate at the University of Quebec in Rimouski UQAR · Institut des Sciences de la Mer de Rimouski (ISMER) · Ecology laboratory benthic.
Charlotte defended her thesis on June 14, 2010
Sarah Nahon is a researcher at INRA (Saint Pée sur Nivelle) after a post-doctorate at the Insular Research Center and Environmental Observatory (CRIOBE, USR 3278), University of Perpignan.
Sarah defended her thesis on December 18, 2009
Karine Nedoncelle is schoolteacher in the academy Nice, France
Karine defended her thesis on November 08, 2013
Mariana Padron Gaboriau is field application specialist at Bertin Technologies ( Montigny le Bretonneux, France)
Mariana defended her thesis on November 24, 2015
Olivier Pereira is a post-doc in China.
Olivier defended his thesis on April 1, 2019
Elsa Stetten has left for Cambodia.
Elsa defended her thesis on November 24, 2015

Mareike Volkenandt
Mareike defended his thesis on February 5, 2015 |