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Senior Researcher CNRS (Directrice de recherches 2ème classe, DR2 HDR)
Laboratoire d'écogéochimie des environnements benthiques (LECOB/CNRS-Sorbonne Université UMR 8222) Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls


With a fluid mechanics background, I develop research about the influence of hydrodynamics on the functioning and structuration of benthic communities. My first focus goes to the role of connectivity on resilience capacity of benthic invertebrates meta-communities (polychaetes, gorgonians, corals) in the context of global change and protection actions. I therefore develop mechanistic numerical models for meta-populations and meta-communities in which connectivity is quantified using numerical simulations of Lagrangian dispersal including the effect of larval motility derived from experimental studies. My second reaserch line concerns the dynamics of micro-organisms communities living at the water-sediment interface and their associated biogeochemical functions under extreme physical forcing (intertidal mudflat biofilm dynamics, early diagenesis under swell and wind waves events in the nearshore zone). I hence develop numerical models coupling turbulence dynamics in bottom boundary layers and early diagenesis and carry out experiments on organic matter degradation in which turbulence unsteadiness is controlled.

On-going and recently finished research projects

Agence de l'Eau project ICONE : Impact of articificial reefs additional CONEctivity on hard-bottom natural biodiversity

Interreg Marittimo project IMPACT : Impact of ports on nearby MPAs

Liteau project Roc Connect: Connectivity of hard-bottom substrates in the Gulf of Lions

EC2CO project DynDiagHyd: Organic matter degradation dynamics under unsteady hydrodynamics

Sylvain Blouet
Lorenzo Bramanti
Katell Guizien
Vie et Milieu / Life & Environment
Mariana Padrón
M. Milhes
M. Massot
Erwan Guichoux
et al.
Conservation Genetics Resources
C. Boemare
E. Mosseri
G. Agin
L. Bramanti
et al.
npj Ocean Sustainability
Mariana Padrón
Marine Milhes
Adline Delcamp
Erwan Guichoux
et al.
Conservation Genetics Resources
Lorenzo Bramanti
Elisabetta Manea
Bruna Giordano
Tristan Estaque
et al.
Mediterranean Marine Science
Andrea Costa
Ana Martín González
Katell Guizien
Andrea M. Doglioli
et al.
Scientific Reports
C. Rakotomalala
Katell Guizien
K. Grangeré
S. Lefebvre
et al.
Marine Environmental Research
Raphaël Savelli
Christine Dupuy
Laurent Barillé
Astrid Lerouxel
et al.
Fabio Bulleri
Britas Klemens Eriksson
Ana Queirós
Laura Airoldi
et al.
PLoS Biology
Florence Briton
Daphne Cortese
Thomas Duhaut
Katell Guizien
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
Mariana Padrón
Federica Costantini
Sandra Baksay
Lorenzo Bramanti
et al.
Coral Reefs
Mariana Padrón
Federica Costantini
Lorenzo Bramanti
Katell Guizien
et al.
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
Andrea Costa
Anne Petrenko
Katell Guizien
Andrea M. Doglioli
Pierre E. Galand
Sabrina Lucas
Sonja K. Fagervold
Erwan Peru
et al.
Frontiers in Microbiology
Sabrina Lucas
Frédéric Moulin
Katell Guizien
Limnology and Oceanography : methods
Denis Faure
Patricia Bonin
Robert Duran
Pierre Amato
et al.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
A. Martínez-Quintana
L. Bramanti
N. Viladrich
S. Rossi
et al.
Marine Biology
Blanche Saint-Béat
Christine Dupuy
Hélène Agogué
Alexandre Carpentier
et al.
Journal of Sea Research (JSR)
Katell Guizien
Francis Orvain
Jean-Claude Duchêne
Pierre Le Hir
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Guizien K.
Belharet M.
Patrick Marsaleix
Guarini J. M.
Limnology and Oceanography
Catharina J. M. Philippart
Ana Amaral
Ragnhild Asmus
Judith Van Bleijswijk
et al.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science