Ph student: Adrien Tran Lu Y

Supervisor: François Bonhomme (ISEM)
Co-supervisor: Stéphane Hourdez

General information :
To estimate the resilience of deep hydrothermal species, functional connectivity between sites, which depends on the dispersal capacities of the species, is a fundamental criterion for the long-term maintenance of populations in the face of the potential impact of mining on the degree of fragmentation of this habitat, which is also temporally unstable. This connectivity will be approached at several time and space scales by population genomics methods on a series of species chosen according to their life history traits and their distribution in the rear-arc basins of the Southwest Pacific.
PhD student: Victor Le Layec

Supervisor: Stéphane Hourdez

General information:
The thesis focuses on the study of the adaptations of hydrothermal organisms to extreme conditions, in a phylogenetic framework. The thesis work focuses on a family of annelids (the Polynoidae) that are found not only in hydrothermal but also in non-hydrothermal abyssal environments, in Antarctica, and in temperate marine environments. This allows for a series of contrasting living conditions to study in particular the adaptation to hypoxia but also to temperature.


2023 Mathilde Chemel: Effect of the temperature on cold-water coral holobiont in the North-East Atlantic Ocean.
Superviser : Franck Lartaud
Defense date : December 19, 2023
oeil bleuabstract

Maxime Beauvais
: Long term seasonality of microbial vitamin B1 and B12 metabolisms and their potential interplay in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea
Supervisers: François-Yves Bouget (LOMIC) et Pierre Galand (LECOB)
Defense date: December 15, 2023
oeil bleu

Sylvain Blouet
: Towards a spatialized approach to marine spatial planning : case study for sessile invertebrate populations in the Gulf of Lion.
Superviser : Katell Guizien
Defense date : July 6, 2023
oeil bleu

Corentin Hochart: Ecology of bacterial symbionts associated with corals and crustose coralline algae in the Pacific Ocean: from genomes to communities.
Superviser : P. Galand
Defense date  : May 30, 2023
oeil bleuabstract
2022 Victor Le Layec: Evolution of adaptations to extreme environments; phylogenetic approach on groups of marine invertebrates.
Superviser : S. Hourdez
Defense date :
oeil bleuabstract

Elise Vissenaekens: The assessment of the uncertainty of the hydrodynamical SYMPHONIE2015 model and its implications for Lagrangian dispersal studies
Superviser : K. Guizien
Defense date : January 27, 2022

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2021 Bibiana Andrea Jara: The fate and impact of antibiotics and pesticides used in marine aquaculture: an emerging threat to the coastal ocean
Supervisers : C. Fernandez, S. Pantora et L. Méjanelle
Defense date : October 06, 2021
oeil bleuabstract

Claudia Maturana Martínez: Diversity ans community composition of active microbial communities in southern high latitude ecosystems.
Superviser : P. Galand and Umberto González
Defense date : May 10, 2021
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2020  No thesis defended

Leila Chapron: Response of cold-water corals to global change in the Mediterranean Sea : from the molecular to the reef scale.
Superviser : P. Galand
Defense date : October 10, 2019
oeil bleuabstract

Olivier Pereira: Metagenomics to study the diversity and function of marine microbial communities : focus on Marine Group II (MGII) Archaea
Superviser : P. Galand
Defense date : April 01, 2019
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2018   No thesis defended
2017   No thesis defended
2016 Sandrine Fanfard: « Community-Resource » relationship : case of communities of marine benthic invertebrates exploiting coarse debris derived from terrestrial plants

Superviser : F. Charles
Defense date : December 13, 2016
oeil bleuabstract


Mariana Padron: Evaluation of conservation efficiency for gorgonian species at a regional scale based on an existing Marine Protected Area network and modeling scenarios accounting for hydrodynamical connectivity.
Superviser : K. Guizien
Defense date : November 24, 2015
oeil bleuabstract

Elsa Stetten: Origin, distribution and reactivity of the organic matter associated to the terminal lobe complex of the Congo deep-sea fan.
Supervisers : F. Baudin and A. Pruski
Defense date : November 24, 2015

oeil bleu

Dimitri Kalenitchenko: Dynamics and role of microorganisms in the deep-sea sunken wood ecosystem.
Superviser : P. Galand
Defense date : September 18, 2015
oeil bleu

Mareike Volkenandt : Small-scale spatial association between baleen whales and forage fish in the Celtic Sea.
Superviser : J-M Guarini
Defense date : February
5, 2015
oeil bleu

 2014  No thesis defended

Sabrina Lucas: Experimental study of the degradation of organic matter in different scenarios unsteady turbulence.
Superviser : K. Guizien
Defense date : December 05, 2013
oeil bleuabstract

Karine Nedoncelle: Growth process of bivalve shells in extreme environments: the case of the symbiotic species Bathymodiolus azoricus, and Bahymodiolus thermophilus in contrasting hydrothermal environments.
Supervisers : N. Le Bris et Franck Lartaud
Defense date : November 08, 2013
oeil bleuabstract

 2012 Leonardo Contreira-Pereira: Autonomous voltammetric and potentiometric sensors : toward long-term monitoring of sulphur biogeochemical dynamics at redox-interfaces.

Superviser : N. Le Bris
Defense date : December 04, 2012
oeil bleuabstract


Solveig Bourgeois: Origin, quality and reactivity of continental organic matter in the sediments of the Rhône prodelta and its adjacent shelf.
Superviser :   F. Charles and Audrey Pruski
Defense date : December 07, 2011
oeil bleuabstract

Rémy Deyme : Vertical transport of particles in the ocean : study of organic contaminants and phytoplankton biomarkers in the Ligurian Sea (NW Méditerranean).

Superviser : L. Méjanelle
Defense date : September 28, 2011
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Mathieu Chatelain: Dissolved fluxes at the sediment-water interface under oscillating flows.
Superviser : J-M Guarini
Defense date : July 05, 2010

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Charlotte Moritz: Dynamics of marine metacommunities : theory and application to Annelid polychaetes in the Mediterranean Sea.
Superviser : J-M. Guarini
Defense date : June 14, 2010
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 2009 Sarah Nahon: Contribution to the study of the impact of ultraviolet radiative stress on benthic communities in the North Western Mediterranean: importance of direct effects and trophic relationships.

Superviser : F. Charles et Audrey Pruski
Defense date : December 18, 2009
oeil bleuabstract

PhD student : Victoria LOUIS

Supervisor (HDR)
: Franck Lartaud (LECOB)
Co-supervisor: Laurence Besseau (BIOM)

  • General information:
  • The general aim of this thesis is to study the role of biological clocks on synchronization processes of biomineralization of the shell in the mussel M. galloprovincialis. The objective is to determine if the environment acts directly on the shell biomineralization process or if a biological clock allows the bivalve to anticipate the environmental circadian variation thus regulating the shell growth. We hypothesized that photoperiod (day/night alternation over a 24h cycle), temperature and/or trophic resources would synchronize the biological clock, alone or in combination, leading to control the rhythmic activity of shell biomineralization process in the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis.

In order to achieve these objectives, different cruises in the Bay of Banyuls will be done at circadian scales, and in vitro experiments at the OOB will test the role of the main drivers (photoperiod, temperature, feeding). Part of the work will be dedicated to the analysis of the growth patterns of the shell of M. galloprovincialis, obtained after chemical labelling technique (calcein) and recapture. Sclerochronological analysis of thin sections of the shells will be reached by fluorescence microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A transcriptome analysis of the main molecular players involved in biological clocks (clock genes such as Clock, Bmal, Cry, Per and Rorb) and genes for metabolic activity and biomineralization (carbonic anhydrase, , nacrein, chitinase et Ca2+ ATPase), will be developed at different sampling points of the 24h cycle by a broadband approach (NanoString technology). The analysis of the amount of tissue biomarkers (lipids, proteins, carbohydrates) accessed by colorimetry will give a first indication of the assimilation of energy reserves, which will be complemented by the characterization of the variability of the food intake, approached by metabarcoding analysis of the stomach contents, achieved by high-throughput sequencing (Illumina MiSeq) of 16S and 18S rRNA genes.

Finally, the study will benefit from data of the Prime|80 project -TEMPO- dealing with the dynamic conditions and the potential variation of trophic resources in the mussel habitat, to carry out a comparative study of the different ecological compartments likely to initiate a rhythmic response of activity in this species.

PhD student: Solveig Bourgeois, Thesis director: François Charles, Thesis adjunc director : Audrey Pruski 
Thesis defended the 7th of december 2011

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Le Rhône est la principale source d'eau douce et de matériels terrigènes vers le bassin méditerranéen. Le prodelta du Rhône est caractérisé par des taux d’accumulation sédimentaire élevés et par une reminéralisation intense de la matière organique sédimentée, ce qui est typique des environnements deltaïques. Une question est soulevée sur le devenir de ces grandes quantités de carbone organique délivrées par le fleuve vers le milieu marin et en particulier leur impact sur les communautés microbiennes benthiques et l'intensité du recyclage de la matière organique. Le programme multi-disciplinaire «Climate and Human-induced Alterations in Carbon Cycling at the River seA connection» (CHACCRA) a été conçu pour étudier le devenir des éléments nutritifs et de la matière organique délivrée par le Rhône sur la marge continentale adjacente. Lors de quatre campagnes de terrain réalisées en avril 2007, mai 2008, décembre 2008 et juin 2009, des carottes de sédiments ont été prélevées à l’embouchure du fleuve et sur le plateau adjacent. La contribution des apports continentaux et leur distribution ont été étudiées à l’aide de paramètres globaux (granulométrie, azote total et carbone organique), tandis que les descripteurs moléculaires (pigments, acides gras, acides aminés totaux et biodisponibles) ont permis de déterminer l'origine, et d’évaluer la qualité ainsi que l'état de dégradation de la matière organique dans les sédiments. La structure de la communauté bactérienne a été caractérisée par la technique de polymorphisme de conformation des simples brins par électrophorèse capillaire (CE-SSCP). Ces travaux mettent en évidence des gradients d’origine et de qualité depuis l’embouchure vers le large. De plus, l’influence des événements de crue est clairement visible dans les sédiments, et les signatures biochimiques des dépôts sont différentes selon le type de crue. Enfin, l’incubation des sédiments a permis d’évaluer la dégradabilité en condition oxique de la matière organique sédimentaire à l’embouchure et de montrer que la fraction labile était très réactive à la dégradation.

MOTS-CLÉS : Matière organique sédimentaire, Prodelta du Rhône, Biomarqueurs, Structure des communautés bactériennes, Événements de crue, Dégradation de la matière organique.