
1, avenue Pierre Fabre
66650 Banyuls-sur-mer

Secretary : Nathalie Guillory
33 (0)4-30-19-24-73

Director : Katell Guizien
33 (0)4-68-88-73-19

Adjunc director : Stéphane Hourdez
33 (0)4-30-19-24-46

Lifelong learning : Béatrice Rivière
33 (0)4-68-88-73-82

Health and safety : Lyvia Lescure
33 (0)4-68-88-73-82

Web : Gilles Vétion
33 (0)4-68-88-73-82

PhD student : Mathilde CHEMEL (2021-2023)

Supervisor (ASR):
Pierre Galand / Franck Lartaud

General information:
While Mediterranean corals, living close to their thermal limit (14°C), appear to show a high sensitivity to ocean warming, their Atlantic congeners live at lower temperatures (8-12°C) and could better cope the effects of climate change in the deep-waters. This thesis work will be based on an integrated approach ranging from the study of microbiome dynamics to colony growth and feeding. The project aims to test the differences in response of reef-building species (Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata), between Atlantic and Mediterranean canyon communities to global warming, in order to assess their resilience.