talk  poster


   Jara, B., Mario Aranda, M., Nuñez, L., Méjanelle, L., Pantoja, S. (2017). Ocurrencia de antibióticos Oxitetraciclina, Florfenicol, Florfenicol-amina y Flumequina en columna de agua, sedimentos y organismos del Canal Puyuhuapi, Aysén. XXVII Congreso de Ciencias del Mar. 22-26 mai 2017, Valparaíso, Chili.

   Labrune C., Conde, A., Gauthier O., Grall J., Gallon R.K., Romero-Ramirez A., Lavesque N., Bonifacio P., Grémare A. (2017). BenthoVal index: A new index based on the concept of the loss of abundance of species. ICES Benthic Ecology Working Group. 8-12 mai, Gdynia, Pologne,.

    Lartaud F., Peru E., Chapron L., Le Bris N. (2017). Growth response of cold-water coral reefs to meteorological events : impacts of climate change to deep-sea ecosystems. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting. 26 février-3 mars. 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii, États-Unis.

   Maillot M., Charles F., Gravel D., Nozais C. (2017). Affiche: How do species come together around leaf litter in a Boreal lake? ASLO 2017 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Mountains to the sea, 26 février-3 mars 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii, États-Unis..

   Meistertzheim A.L., Lartaud F., Arnaud-Haond S., Kalenitchenko D., Bessalam M., Le Bris N., Galand P.E. (2017). Patterns of bacteria-host associations suggest different ecological strategies between two reef building cold-water coral species. ASLO, 26 février-3 mars 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii, États-Unis.



  Compte-Port S., Borrego C., A. de Diego A., Camarero L.; Galand P., Gonzalez A. G. ;Auguet J.C. (2016) “Effects of environmental variables and metal pollution on the abundance and composition of archaeal communities in sediments from Pyrenean lakes” Gordon Research Conference Marine Microbes. 19-24 juin 2016, Girone, Espagne.

   Pierre Galand (2016) "Rarity, Diversity and Ecosystem Functioning", Gordon Research Conference Marine Microbes. 19 au 24 juin 2016, Girone, Espagne.

   Gallon R. K., Lavesque N., Caillo A., Gauthier O. Grall J., Labrune C., Grémare A. (2016). The RESOMAR macrofauna benthic database: a usefull tool to investigate soft-bottom communities. XV International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay (ISOBAY 15). 22-24 juin 2016, Bilbao. Espagne.

   Giovannelli D., Foustoukos D., Le Bris N., Sievert S. M., Yücel M., D’alessandro V., Ricci R., Vetriani C. (2016). Physical control of the spatial and temporal diversity of microbial mats at a shallow-water hydrothermal vent. Goldschmidt conference.

   Le Bris N., Galand P., Kalenitcheko D., Lartaud F., Meistertzheim A. L., Orignac J., Péru E., Pruski A.M., Rivière B., Vétion G. (2016). The Lacaze-Duthiers canyon: a natural laboratory to study deep-sea ecosystem dynamics and functions in a climate change context. 3rd INCISE International Submarine Canyon Symposium. 25-27 juillet 2016 Victoria, BC Canada.

   Pereira O., Debroas D., Auguer J.C., Galand P. (2016) “Exploring the diversity of uncultured Marine Group II Archaea across the globe  “Gordon Research Conference Marine Microbes, 19-24 juin 2016, Girone, Espagne.



   Baudin F., Stetten E., Martinez P., Charlier K., Schnyder J., Pruski A.M., Congolobe group (2015). Bulk geochemical characterization of sedimentary organic matter in the terminal lobes of the Congo deep-sea fan. ASLO 2015 Aquatic Siencess Meeting. Global And Regional Perspectives. North Meets South. 22-27 février 2015. Grenade, Espagne.

Costa A., Doglioli A., Guizien, K, Petrenko A. (2015). Estimation of connectivity in marine biological networworks: graph theory versus metapopulation models. An application to the Gulf of Lion. ASLO 2015 Aquatic Siencess MeetingNouvelle fenêtre" Global And Regional Perspectives. North Meets South. 22 au 27 février 2015. Grenade, Espagne.

   Gauthier O., Labrune C., Grall J., Lago A.C., and Grémare A. (2015). BenthoVAL Biotic Index: Method and assessment results. OSPAR/ICG-COBAM, Benthic Habitat Expert Group meeting. Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung. 29-30 octobre 2015. Warnemuende, Allemagne.

   Lartaud F., Peru E., Le Bris N. (2015). Impact of climatic events on deep-sea ecosystems: the response of cold-water corals to dense water shelf cascades. 14th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium. 31 août- 4 septembre , 2015, Aveiro, Portugal.

   Lartaud F., Peru E., Le Bris N. (2015). Impact of climatic events on deep-sea ecosystems: the response of cold-water corals to dense water shelf cascades. Our Common Future Under Climate Change. 7-10 juillet, 2015, Paris, France.

   Lartaud F., Nedoncelle K., de Rafelis M., Le Bris N. (2015). Characterization of chemical energy resources used by chemosynthetic bivalves in present and fossil hydrothermal systems using stable isotope signature of shells. 3rd InteRidge Theoritical Institute. 28-30 septembre, 2015, Hangzhou, Chine.

   Lartaud F., Nedoncelle K. , de Rafélis M. , Labourdette N., Le Bris N. (2015). Non-equilibrium fractionation of stable carbon isotopes in chemosynthetic mussels. Deep-Sea Biology Symposium. 31 août - 4 septembre 2015, Aveiro, Portugal.

   Kalenitchenko K., Erwan Peru E., Nadine Le Bris N., Pierre E. Galand P.E.  “Environmental filtering selects rare bacteria during colonisation of refractory organic matter “ SAME, 23.-.28. août 2015, Uppsala, Suède.

   Laming S.R., Gaudron S.M., Cunha M.R., Le Bris N., Hilario A., Duperron S. (2015). Settled, symbiotic, then sexually mature: a comparative analysis of development, maturation, and nutritional flexibility across two diminutive deep-sea Bathymodiolinae (Mytilidae). Deep-Sea Biology Symposium, August 31 août-4 septembre, 2015, Aveiro, Portugal.

   Le Bris N., Galand P., Lartaud F., Orignac J., Peru E., Kalenitchenko D., Pruski A., Rivière B., Vétion G. (2015). Climate sensitive deep-sea ecosystems. The Lacaze-Duthiers canyon : first steps toward the long-term study of ecosystem dynamics and functions. Our Common Future Under Climate Change. 7-10 juillet 2015, Paris, France.

   Le Bris N., Thubaut J., Kalenitchenko D., Mandon P., Contreira-Pereira L., Péru E., Samadi S., Galand P. (2015). Chemosynthetic habitats: fast colonization dynamics of woods by deep-sea symbiotic mussels in relation to sulfide enrichment. Deep-Sea Biology Symposium. 31 août-4 septembre, 2015, Aveiro, Portugal.

   Mills S.W., Le Bris N., Beaulieu S.E., Sievert S.M., Mullineaux L.S. (2015). Vulnerability of deep-sea hydrothermal vent communities to disturbance: evidence from post-eruption colonization on the East Pacific Rise. ALSO Ocean science Meeting 2015.

   Mullineaux L.S., Mills S.W., Le Bris N., Beaulieu S.E., Sievert S.M. (2015). Resilience to eruptive disturbance in a deep-sea hydrothermal vent metacommunity. Deep-Sea Biology Symposium,
31 août-4 septembre, 2015, Aveiro, Portugal.

   Nedoncelle K., Le Bris N., de Rafelis M., Labourdette N., Lartaud F. (2015). Non-equilibrium fractionation of stable isotopes in chemosynthetic mussels. Colloque National sur la biologie et l’écologie des écosystèmes à base de chimiosynthèse, 11-13 mai 2015, Le Mans, France.

Padron, M., Baksay, S., Bramanti, L., Costantini, F., Guizien, K. Connectivity of white gorgonian populations in the Gulf of Lions: observed versus modelled genetic structure. ASLO 2015 Aquatic Siencess Meeting. Global And Regional Perspectives. North Meets South du 22 au 27 février 2015. Grenade, Espagne.

   Stetten , E., Huguet, A., Vétion, G., Wang, H., Baudin, F., Pruski, A., Organic matter sources and reactivity in sediments from terminal lobe complex of the Congo deep sea fan. ASLO 2015 Aquatic Siencess Meeting. Global And Regional Perspectives. North Meets South du 22 au 27 février 2015. Grenade, Espagne.

   Baudin, F., Stetten, E., Martinez, P., Charlier, K., Schnyder, J., Pruski, A., Congolobe group. Bulk geochemical characterization of sedimentary organic matter in the terminal lobes of the Congo deep-sea fan. ASLO 2015 Aquatic Siencess Meeting. Global And Regional Perspectives. North Meets South du 22 au 27 février 2015. Grenade, Espagne. Poster



   Baudin F., Aboussou A., Stetten E., Schnyder J., Pruski A., Dennielou B., Olu K., Rabouille C. (2014). Caractérisation par pyrolyse Rock-Eval des sédiments des lobes terminaux du système turbiditique du Congo. 24ème réunion des Sciences de la Terre, RST Pau 2014, 27-21 octobre 2014, France.

Bramanti L. (2014) : Landscape versus seascape: the ecogeochemical approach in the gorgonians forest. colloque "Écologies marines et continentales". Société Française d’Écologie, CNRS, Université Pierre et Marie Curie. Paris, France, 7 et 8 janvier 2014.

   Fanfard S., Charles F., Guarini J.M. (2014). Predation, a fundamental process in macrofauna community assembling. 49th EUROPEAN MARINE BIOLOGY SYMPOSIUM (EMBS-49), organized by Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences.8-12 septembre, 2014, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

   Galand P.E., Salter I., Kalenitchenko D. (2014). Evolutionary history is associated to ecosystem productivity in surface marine waters.  ISME-13 Conference, 24-29 août 2014, Séoul, Corée du Sud.

   Giovannelli D., Foustoukos D., Le Bris N., Sievert S. M., Yücel M., and Vetriani C. (2014). Spatial and temporal diversity of microbial mats in the shallow-water hydrothermal system of Milos Island (Greece). Décembre 2014, AGU, San Francisco, USA.

   Gutiérrez M., Galand P.E., Moffat C., Pantoja S. (2014). Melting glacier impacts the community structure of Bacteria, Fungi and Archaea in Chilean Patagonia fjord system. EGU General Assembly, 27 avril - 2 mai, Vienne, Autriche.

Guizien G. (2014) : Spatially structured connectivity: using fluid dynamics to predict propagules dispersal in the ocean, why not in air ? colloque "Écologies marines et continentales". Société Française d’Écologie, CNRS, Université Pierre et Marie Curie. 7 et 8 janvier 2014. Paris, France,

   Kalenitchenko D., Dupraz M., Le Bris N., Galand P.E. (2014). Dynamic and contrasted chemosynthetic bacterial mats on sunken wood ecosystems. ISME-13 Conférence, 24-29 août, Séoul, Corée du Sud.

   Kalenitchenko D., Le Bris N., Galand P.E. (2014). De la terre vers les abysses : le bois, un substrat organique support de communautés biologiques marines dynamiques. colloque "Écologies marines et continentales", Société Française d’Écologie, CNRS, Université Pierre et Marie Curie. 7 et 8 janvier 2014, Paris, France,.

   Labrune C., Grémare A., Lavesque N., Romero A., Bonifacio P., Grall J., Laurand S., Gauthier O. (2014). Let’s test a multivariate approach to be used as a biotic index. ICES BEWG. Dinard France, 28 avril -2 mai 2014.

   Laming S., Gaudron S.M., Cunha M.R., Le Bris N.,Hilário A., Duperron S. (2014).Conference Paper: Development, reproductive biology and host-symbiont dynamics during the life cycles of two bathymodiolin mussels. 1st MARES conference on Marine Ecosystem Health and Conservation. Novembre 2014, Olhão, Portugal.

   Le Bris N., Mullineaux L. and Sievert S.(2014). Environmental controls on chemoautotrophic primary producers at deep-sea vents. European Geosciences Union General Assembly. 2 mai 2014. Vienne, Autriche.

   Le Bris N. (2014) : Intimate links between chemosynthetic fauna and their chemical environment: a microhabitat perspective. 2014 Lyell Meeting on Deep sea chemosynthetic ecosystems: where they are found, how they work and what they looked like in the geological past, Geological Society of London. 12 mars 2014, Londres, Angleterre.

   Mills S. W., Le Bris N., Beaulieu S.E., Sievert S. and Mullineaux L. S. (2014). Succession Following Eruptive Disturbance in a Deep-sea Hydrothermal Vent Metacommunity: Alternative Stable State or Return to Status Quo? Ocean Science Meeting. 23-28 février 2014, Honolulu, Hawaii USA.

   Nedoncelle K. (2014) : Shell growth rate and habitatvariability of the hydrothermal vent species Bathymodiolus thermophilus. Workshop "Deep Carbon Observatory". École Centrale Américaine de Géologie de l'Université de San Jose. 17 au 22 février 2014, San Jose, Costa Rica,

Poster présenté

Pruski A. (2014) : Apports pulsés de matière organique particulaire en Méditerranée NO: influence des crues du Rhône sur l’écosystème benthique. colloque "Écologies marines et continentales". Société Française d’Écologie, CNRS, Université Pierre et Marie Curie. 7 et 8 janvier 2014, Paris, France, .

   Pruski, A. (2014) : Apports intermittents de matière organique sous influence climatique: effets sur les ecosystèmes de pro deltas. Colloque "Écologies marines et continentales", Société Française d’Écologie, CNRS, Université Pierre et Marie Curie. 7 et 8 janvier 2014, Paris, France.

   Pruski A., Bourgeois S., Yi Sun M., Buscail R., Kerhervé P., Vétion G., Rabouille C. (2014). Lability and fate of terrigenous organic matter on a Mediterranean river-dominated margin : a biomarker study. 24ème réunion des Sciences de la Terre, RST Pau. 27-31 octobre 2014, Pau, France.

   Romano C., Voight J. R., Roman S., Segura M., Le Bris N., Martin D. (2014) Wood boring bivalves from NW Mediterranean and Cantabrian deep sea canyons on experimentally sunken woods. The Challenger Society for Marine Science 2014 Conference, Plymouth University. Novembre 2014, Plymouth, Royaume-uni

   Sardá R., Serrano L., Labrune C., Gil J., March D., Amouroux J-M., Taboada S., Bonifacio P., Grémare A. (2014). Shallow-water polychaete assemblages in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea and its possible use in the evaluation of good environmental state. 11th international Polychaete Conference Proceedings 71: 289-302.

   Stetten E., Pruski A.M., Huguet A., Wang H., Vétion G., Senyarich C., Rabouille C., Baudin F. (2014). Caractérisation moléculaire et réactivité de la matière organique contenue dans les sédiments des lobes sous-marins du système turbiditique du Congo. 24ème réunion des Sciences de la Terre, RST Pau, France, 27-31 octobre 2014, Pau, France.

   Vidoudez C., Marcon Y., Bach W., Le Bris N., Dubilier N., and Girguis P. (2014) Constraining geochemistry and biological primary productivity in hydrothermal systems via in situ mass spectrometric geochemical mapping. European Geosciences Union General Assembly. 2 mai 2014, Vienne, Autriche.

   Yücel M. , Stefan S., Giovanelli D., Foustoukos D., DeForce E., Thomas F., Vetriani C., and Le Bris N. (2014). Dynamic drivers of a shallow-water hydrothermal vent ecogeochemical system (Milos, Eastern Mediterranean). European Geosciences Union General Assembly. 2 mai 2014, Vienne, Autriche.



   Charles F., Nozais C., Pruski A., Lantoine F., Orignac J. (2013). Trophic ecology of coastal soft bottoms: a dive into the stew of marine sediment. ASLO 2013 AQUATIC SCIENCES MEETING. 17-22 février 2013. Nouvelle Orléans Louisiane, USA.

   Contreira-Pereira L. (2013) :Silver-based electrochemical sensors for autonomous monitoring of sulfide in marine environments. ASLO 2013 Aquatic Siencess Meeting, Learning for the future". 17 au 22 février 2013, La Nouvelle Orléans, Louisiane, États-Unis.

   Contreira Pereira L., Brulport J.P., Omanovic D., Le Bris N. (2013). Silver-Based Electrochemical Sensors For Autonomous Monitoring Of Sulfide In Marine Environments. ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting. 17 au 22 février 2013, La Nouvelle Orléans, Louisiane, États-Unis.

   Contreira Pereira L., Le Bris N. (2013). Autonomous electrochemical in situ sensors for monitoring marine redox interfaces. Marine Brazil – Building the marine science – French-Brasilian meeting. 3-8 novembre 2013, Buzios, Brésil. 

   Coston-Guarini J., Guarini J.-M., Charles F. (2013).From Louis Boutan, to barques catalanes, to shipworms. XIV Universum Network Meeting, Université de Valence. 6–8 juin 2013, Valence, Espagne.

   David R., Personnic S., Renaud F. and co-auteurs (2013). An ecosystem based approach to evaluate the status of Mediterranean ecosystem habitats (extended to WDF,MSFD and other marine environmental policy). 40th CIESM Congress. 28 octobre - 1 novembre, 2013. Marseille, France.

   Fagervold S. K., Bourgeois S., Pruski A., Charles F. and Galand P.E. (2013).Is organic matter composition relevant for shaping the microbial community in highly dynamic sediment systems? 12th Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology (BAGECO). 9-13 juin 2013. Ljubljana, Slovénie.

Guizien K. (2013) :Metapopulation modelling based on larval dispersal simulations to study benthic species resilience to extreme climatic and anthropogenic stresses. ASLO 2013 Aquatic Siencess Meeting, Learning for the future". 17 au 22 février 2013, La Nouvelle Orléans, Louisiane, États-Unis.

   Hugoni M., Agogué H., Taib N., Domaizon I., Moné A., Galand P.E., Bronner G., Debroas D., Mary I. (2013). Temporal changes in archaeal community activity and  ammonia Oxidizing Archaea dynamics along an estuarine salinity gradient. SAME-13, 13th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 8-13 septembre 2013, Stresa, Italie.

   Lartaud F., Little C.T.S., de Rafelis M., Le Bris N. (2013). Ultramafic hydrothermal systems on the Rainbow abyssal hill : a wide variety of active and fossil chemosynthetic habitats and communities. 5th International Symposium on Chemosynthesis-Based Ecosystems, 18-23 août 2013, Victoria, Canada.

   Lartaud F., Little C.T.S., de Rafelis M. and Le Bris N. (2013). Utramafic hydrothermal systems on the Rainbow abyssal hill: a wide variety of active and fossil chemosynthetic habitats and communities. 5th Symposium on Chemosynthesis-based Ecosystems, 18-23 août 2013, Victoria, Canada.

   Lartaud F., Pareige S., de Rafelis M., Le Bris N. (2013). New insight into growth of cold-water corals: temporal changes in the growth of the reef-building species Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata. 3rd International Sclerochronology Conference. 18-22 mai 2013, Caernarfon, Pays de Galles, Royaume-Uni.

  Le Bris N., Contreira Pereira L., Yücel M., Sievert S. M. and Mullineaux L. S. (2013). Abiotic controls on chemoautotrophic primary producer succession at deep-sea hydrothermal vent. 5th Symposium on Chemosynthesis-based Ecosystems. 18-23 août 2013, Victoria, Canada.

  Le Bris N., Contreira Pereira L., Yücel M., Mullineaux S., Sievert M. (2013). Abiotic Controls On Chemoautotrophic Primary Producers At Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Inferred From In Situ Physico-Chemical Monitoring. ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting 2013. 17 au 22 février 2013, La Nouvelle Orléans, Louisiane, États-Unis.

Lucas S. (2013) : Oscillating grid mesocosm for studying oxygen dynamics during unsteady turbulent conditions. ASLO 2013 Aquatic Siencess Meeting, Learning for the future". 17 au 22 février 2013, La Nouvelle Orléans, Louisiane, États-Unis.

   Nedoncelle K., Lartaud F., de Rafelis M., Contreira Pereira L., Le Bris N. (2013). Shell growth rate and habitat variability of the hydrothermal vent species Bathymodiolus thermophilus. 5th Symposium on Chemosynthesis-based Ecosystems. 18-23 août 2013, Victoria, Canada.

   Nedoncelle K., Lartaud F., Le Bris N. (2013). A new method for high-resolution bivalve growth rate studies in deep-sea hydrothermal environments. 3rd International Sclerochronology Conference. 18-22 mai 2013, Caernarfon, Pays de Galles, Grande-Bretagne.

   Renaud F., Boudouresque C. , David R. , Labrune C., Community Of Mediterranean Marine Sciences and S. Personnic (2013). An ecosystem-based approach to evaluate the status of mediterranean ecosystems habitats.CIESM, Marseille. 28 octobre, Marseille, France.

   Salter I., Obernosterer I., Fagervold S.K., Galand P.E. (2013). Temporal dynamics of the activity, diversity and function of bacterial communities in the North West Mediterranean Sea. SAME-13, 13th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 8-13 septembre 2013, Stresa, Italie.

Sardá, R., Serrano, L., Labrune, C., Gil, J., March, D., Amouroux, J-M., Taboada, S., Bonifacio, P., Grémare, A. Shallow-water pol  ychaete assemblages in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea and its possible use in the evaluation of good environmental state. 11th international Polychaete Conference Proceedings. 4-9 août , 2013, Sydney, Australie.

   Stetten E. (2013). Origine, distribution et répartition de la matière organique dans les lobes sous-marins du système turbiditique du Congo : premiers résultats des missions WACS et CONGOLOBE. 14ème congrès de sédimentologie, Cité des Sciences de Paris. 5 au 7 novembre 2013, Paris, France

   Stetten E. (2013). Caractérisation de la matière organique contenue dans les sédiments des lobes sous-marins du système turbiditique du Congo: intérêt de l'approche multi-traceurs. Journée des doctorants, Géosciences et ressources naturelles. 22 et 23 avril 2013, Paris, France,

Poster présenté

   Thubaut J., Le Bris N. and Samadi S. (2013). Bathymodioline mussels of the Mediterranean Sea: connectivity among chemosynthetic habitats. 5th Symposium on Chemosynthesis-based Ecosystems, 18-23 août 2013, Victoria, Canada.

   Vidoudez, C., Marcon Y., Bach W., Le Bris N., Dubilier N., Girguis P. R. (2013). Mapping Of Hydrothermal Vent Chemosynthesis Using In Situ Mass Spectrometry. ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting 2013. Février 2013. Nouvelle Orléans, USA.



   Arevalo P.A., Sylva S., Toney C. R., Le Bris N., Seewald J.S., Sievert S.M. (2012). Bacterial and archaeal community structure in hydrothermally influenced sediments of the Guaymas Basin. The 14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, ISME-14 Conference. 19-24 août  2012. Copenhague, Denmark.
   Fagervold S.K., Kalenitchenko D., Yücel M., Lebris N., Galand P.E. (2012). Dynamic microbial niches structured by sulfur and oxygen gradients during the marine degradation of wood. ISME-12 Conference. 19-24 août  2012. Copenhague, Denmark.
   Galand P.E., Ghiglione J.F., Pommier T., Maas E., Kirchman D., Lovejoy C., Pedrós-Alió C., Murray A.E. (2012). Biogeography of marine bacterial communities from pole to pole. ASLO summer meeting. 8-13 août, Otsu, Japon.
   Galand P.E., Alonso-Sáez L., Bertilsson S., Lovejoy C., Casamayor E.O. (2012). Contrasting activity patterns in closely related Colwellia ribotypes from the Arctic Ocean. IPY Science Conference. 22-27 avril, Montréal, Canada.
   Ghiglione J.F., Galand PE, Pommier T., Pedros-Alio C., Mass E., Bakker K., Bertilson S., Kirchman D.L., Lovejoy C., Yager P.L., Murray A.E. (2012). Pole to pole biogeography of surface and deep marine bacterial communities. ISME-12 Conference. 19-24 août  2012. Copenhague, Danemark.
   Grémare A., Deflandre B., Schmidt S., Maire O., Romero-Ramirez A., Metzger E., Viollier E., Cesbron F., Labrune C. Amouroux J-M., Lavesque N., Bonifacio P., Lecroart P., Duchêne J-C., Richard M., Poirier D., Coste L., and Bichon S. (2012). Assessing the effect of macrobenthos diversity on the mineralisation of sediment organic matter. Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference. 24-29 juin 2012, Montréal, Canada.

   Bruno Deflandre, Lucie Pastor, Karine Escoubeyrou, Gilles Vétion, Sabrina Bichon and Antoine Grémare (2012). Seasonal dynamics of O2 and OM composition in a coastal sediment of the NW Mediterranean Sea. Congrès Goldschmidt 2012. 24-29 juin 2012, Montréal, Canada.

   Lartaud F. and Le Bris N. (2012). Set up of in situ mark and recapture technique to assess cold water coral growth process. International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals (ISDSC 5). 1-6 avril 2012, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.
   Lartaud F., Le Bris, N. (2012). Set up of in situ mark and recapture technique to assess cold water coral growth process. International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals (ISDSC 5). 1-6 avril 2012, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.
   Mouchi V., de Rafelis M., Lartaud F., (2012). δ18O and Mg/Ca ratios in recent and fossil oyster shells : contronting thermodependant proxies. ISOECOL. 20-24 août 2012, Brest, France.
   Mullineaux L. S., Le Bris N., Mills S. W., Secrist G., Bayer S. R., Siu N., Beaulieu S. E. (2012). initial pioneers matter: non-deterministic succession after catastrophic disturbance at a deep-sea hydrothermal vent. ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting. 20-24 février 2012, Salt Lake City, Etats-Unis.
   Nedoncelle K., Lartaud F., Le Bris N. (2012). A new method for high-resolution bivalve growth rate measurements in diffuse flow hydrothermal environments. 13th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium. 2-7 decembre 2012, Wellington, Nouvelle-Zélande.
   Negandhi K., Lovejoy C., Whiticar M.J., Galand P.E., Laurion I. (2012). Microbial assemblages linked to the methane cycle in Arctic thaw ponds. ISME-12 Conference. 19-24 août, Copenhague, Danemark.

   Orignac J., Derelle, E., Kalenitchenko D. Mariette J. 2012. Environnemental genomic approach to assess richness of marine benthic meatazoans.Atelier : École Thématique Génomique Environnementale. 23-27 avril 2012. Aussois, France.




    Bourgeois S., Pruski A.M., Buscail R., Charles F., Lantoine F., Vétion G., Rivière B., and Desmalades M. (2011). Composition of organic matter from prodeltaic sediments during extreme events (Rhone prodelta, France): signature of flood events. Session BG3.3 : The role of extrem events in organic matter cycling. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011. 8 avril 2011, Vienne, Autriche.


     Chatelain M., Guizien K. (2011). The sediment-water interface under low frequency flows. Session : Benthic biogeochemical processes: From microscale patchiness to ecosystem function. ASLO 2011. 7 février 2011, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

   Contreira L., Yücel M., Brulport J.-P., Comtat M., and Nadine Le Bris N. (2011). Comparative assesment of potentiometric and voltammetric sensors for autonomous monitoring in deep sea sulfidic environments. Session BG7.3 : Biogeochemical function and diversity of chemosynthetic deep ecosystems. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011. 8 avril 2011. Vienne, Autriche.

   Guizien K., Belharet M., Moritz C., Guarini J.-M.. (2011). Accounting for spatial connectivity due to larval dispersal when designing marine protected area.  Session : Spatial connectivity in aquatic landscapes: patterns, mechanisms and implications for populations, communities and ecosystem. ASLO 2011,. 18 février 2011. San Juan, Puerto Rico.

   El Azzi D., Viers J., Aubert D., Probst A., Caparros J., Charles F., Guiresse M., Guizien K., and Probst J;-L. (2011). Copper transfer dynamics during Mediterranean-type flash-floods (Baillaury River, Southwest of the Mediterranean coast of France). Session : Water quality at the catchment scale: Fate and transport of micropollutants. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011. 8 avril 2011 Vienne, Autriche.

   Guizien K., Caparros J., Charles F., Conan P., Dupuy C., Guarini J.-M., Lantoine F., Lucas S., Naudin J.-J., Oriol L., Pujo-Pay M., Rivière B., Séverin T. (2011). Nearshore dynamics of nutrient and chlorophyll during Mediterranean type flash-flood events. Session BG3.4 : Biogeochemistry of coastal seas and continental shelves - including Biogeochemistry during the International Polar Year 2007-2008. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011. 8 avril 2011. Vienne, Autriche.

   Lartaud F., de Rafelis M., Little C., Bayon G., Ildefonse B., Dyment J., and Le Bris N. (2011). Fossil bivalves in the Rainbow area: new insight into the diversity and evolution of chemosynthetic communities. Session BG7.3 : Biogeochemical function and diversity of chemosynthetic deep ecosystems. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011. 8 avril 2011. Vienne, Autriche..

   Le Bris N., Lartaud F., Yücel M., Contreira L., Galand P., Fagervold S., Orignac J., Pruski A., Kalenitchenko D., Rivière B., Feuillassier L., Bideau M. & Vétion G., 2011. Vers une station d’expérimentation et d’observation dans le canyon Lacaze-Duthiers : pour la compréhension de la dynamique d’écosystèmes profonds sous influence climatique. Colloque scientifique Agence des Aires Marines Protégées (AAMP), 22-24 Novembre 2011, Paris.

   Lucas S., Moulin F., Guizien K. 2011. Oxygen demand in surficial sediments during laminar turbulent oscillations. SAME-12 12th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 28 août au 2 septembre 2011. Rostock/Warnemünde, Allemagne.

   Orvain F., De Crignis M., Guizien K., Lefebvre S., Dupuy C. (2011). Relevance of exopolymer secretion to understand the dynamic behavior of erodibility in relation microphytobenthos, bacteria and macrofauna activity. Session : Benthic biogeochemical processes: From microscale patchiness to ecosystem function. ASLO 2011. 1- février 2011, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

   Rabouille C., Cathalot C., Buscail R., Deflandre B., Grémare A., Viollier E., Pastor L., Pruski A.M., and Treignier C. (2011). Variability of benthic mineralization in the Rhone River prodelta during a flood event: the importance of organic matter origin. Session BG3.3 : The role of extrem events in organic matter cycling. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011. 8 avril 2011, Vienne, Autriche.



Bellamy E., Mahé K., de Rafelis M., Lartaud F. (2010). Growth of the common cockle Cerastoderma edule: validation of the periodicity of increment deposition by calcein marker. 2nd International Sclerochronology Conference. 24 au 28 juillet 2010, Mainz, Allemagne.

Bourgeois S, Pruski A.M., Buscail R., Charles F., Lantoine F., Vétion G., Rivière B, Desmalades M. (2010). Influence of a flood event on the composition of organic matter from prodeltaic sediments (Rhône prodelta, France). RST 2010 Bordeaux, 23ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre. 25-27 octobre 2010, Bordeaux, France.

Bourgeois S., Ghiglione J.-F., Lantoine F., Desmalades M., Escoubeyrou K., Vétion G., Rivière B., Charles F., Pruski A.M. (2010). Caractéristiques de la MO dans un environnement deltaïque : Le prodelta du Rhône (Golfe du Lion, France) pendant un évènement de crue : Relation avec la structure des communautés bactériennes. Réunion finale du Programme CHACCRA, 18-20 janvier 2010, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

Cathalot, C., Buscail, R., Pruski, A., Pastor, L., Rabouille, C. (2010). From transient to stationary benthic mineralization activity in the Rhône river prodelta: Temporal monitoring of flood deposit. AGU Vienne. Vienne, Autriche.

   Charles F., Bouloubassi I., Darnaude A., François-Carcaillet F., Lantoine F., Lorre A., Méjanelle L., Pruski A.M., Rivière B., Taphanel H., Vétion G. et Bourgeois S. (2010). ECOdynamique des Polluants Organiques Persistants dans les systèmes lagunaires et côtiers méditerranéens. INSU , colloque de Restitution du Programme EC2CO, CIC Météo France. 23, 24 et 25 novembre 2010, Toulouse, France.

Chatelain M., Guizien K. (2010). Low-frequency flow control on oxygen dynamics near the sediment-water interface. Poster, Benthic Ecology Meeting, , 12-13 mars 2010, Wilmington (NC), États-Unis.

Dupuy C., Guizien K., Mallet C., Montanie H., Ory P., Orvain F. (2010). Benthic-pelagic coupling: biofilm erosion and resuspension of micro-organisms in the Brouage mudflat (French Atlantic Coast). Benthic Ecology Meeting. 12-13 mars 2010, Wilmington (NC), États-Unis.

   Guizien K. (2010). Boundary layer modelling under waves over flat andrippled beds: application to oxygen mass transfer at water-sediment interface. Séminaire interne du Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques et Insutriels. (séminaire invité)

   Guizien K., Charles F., Hurther D., Michallet H. (2010). Spatial redistribution of Ditrupa arietina during a moderate swell event (NW Med). Colloque de la Flotte Océanographique Française, 3-4 mars 2010. Marseille, France.

Lartaud F., Little C.T.S., de Rafelis M., Bayon G., Ildefonse B., Dyment J., Le Bris N. (2010). Fossil bivalves in the Rainbow area: new insight into the diversity and evolution of chemosynthetic communities. Chapman Conference.  8 au16 mai 2010, Agros, Chypre.

Le Callonnec L., Lartaud F., de Rafelis M., (2010). Trace elements and stable isotopes from unionid bivalve shells: proxy records of environmental conditions and pollution events. Experimental approaches in situ (Ile-de-France) and in laboratory. 2nd International Sclerochronology Conference. 24-28 juillet 2010, Mainz, Allemagne.

Chatelain M., Guizien K. (2010). Low-frequency flow control on oxygen dynamics near the sediment-water interface. Benthic Ecology Meeting. 10 mars 2010, Wilmington, NC., États-Unis.

Mouchi V., Lartaud F., de Rafelis M., (2010). Environmental vs. physiological control of the Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca distribution in oyster shells. 2nd International Sclerochronology Conference. 24-28 juillet 2010, Mainz, Allemagne.

   Pruski A.M., Bourgeois S., Couturier M., Vétion G., Rivière B., Oriol L., Charles F., (2010). New evidence of the degradability and lability of riverine organic matter in coastal ecosystems. RST 2010 Bordeaux, 23ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre. 25-27 octobre 2010, Bordeaux, France. 

Pruski A.M., Bourgeois S., Escoubeyrou K., Desmalades M., Vétion G., Rivière B., Lantoine F., Charles F., Buscail R. and Sun M.Y (2010). Benthic remineralisation of terrestrial and marine organic matter and its temporal variation in the Rhône prodelta and adjacent shelf: Evaluation of the origin and quality of sedimentary organic matter using biochemical proxies. Réunion finale du Programme CHACCRA. 18-20 janvier 2010, Gif-sur-Yvette, France.

Rabouille, C., Estournel, C., POC, Naudin, J. J., Radakovitch, O., CEREGE, Raimbault, P., Buscail, R., Deflandre, B., Fontanier, C., Pruski, A., Bassoulet, P. (2010). The fate of Rhône river carbon and nutrients in the coastal Mediterranean sea and its relation to climatic parameters. CIESM 2010, Venise, Italie.

   Sañé, E., Isla, E., Pruski, A, Bárcena, M.A., Vétion., G. (2010). Fatty Acid Composition and Diatoms in Sediments from the Northern Antarctic Peninsula and Larsen A and B Bays. International Polar Year Oslo Science Conference,. 8-12juin 2010, Oslo, Norvège

Yücel M, Contreira L, Le Bris N. (2010). ‘Autonomous voltammetry at deep-sea hydrothermal vents’. Oral presentation given in 15th Cross-Border Meeting of Sensors and Biosensors. 17 septembre 2010, Sant Carles de la Rapita, Espagne.