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Function and attachment
Professor SOrbonne University  (formerly University Pierre and Marie Curie UPMC-Paris 6)
CNRS-UPMC UMR 8222 LECOB, Oceanological Observatory of Banyuls

Marine chemistry, ecology and biogeochemistry.
Habitat geochemistry, organism-environment interaction
Redox interfaces, chemosynthetic communities
Extreme environments, deep-sea ecosystems, Hydrothermal vents
In situ chemical sensors, geochemical models

Current position
Professor Sorbonne University (formerly Université Pierre et Marie Curie UPMC-Paris6)

Formations and diplomas
2005 HDR Marine Chemistry and biogeochemistry. University of Brest (UBO)
2006 PhD in Atmospheric Chemistry and Environmental Physics, Univ. of Paris 7
1987 Master in Molecular Physical Chemistry, University of Paris 11

- 86 articles in peer-review journals
- 10 book chapters
- >100 communications in international conferences

Training of PhD and undergraduate students
- Supervision of 3 post-docs (including 1 ATER)
- Supervision and co-supervision of 6 PhD students
- Supervison of > 40 undergraduate students

Research expeditions
 - Chief scientist of 4 research expeditions on deep-sea vent ecology (PHARE 2002 and MESCAL 2010 and 2012 East-Pacific Rise), TRANSECT 2018 (Mid-Atlantic Ridge) with the ROV VICTOR6000 and the submersible Nautile.
- Chief scientist of 3 submarine canyon expeditions: 2018 with HROV ARIANE (Corsican margin), 2019 (Lacaze-Duthiers canyon multicore sediment sampling with R/V Thétys),
- Coordination of a multiannual research and monitoring programme of the Lacaze-Duthiers submarine canyon, including 13 (11 ROV operations with COMEX and 2 sediment coring with French oceanograhic fleet (Téthys)
- Participation to 23 research expeditions in the field deep-sea biology, ecology and geology,  (French, US and German research vessels and programmes).

Committees and Working Groups
2016 -  DOOS- Deep Ocean Observing Strategy. Scientific committee
2017-2019 Co-chair of the international network InterRidge (mid-ocean ridges, SCOR affiliated)
2010-2014. Scientific advisory board. MARUM, Center for Marine Environment Research, Bremen, Germany
2009-2013 Scientific committee of the FP7 Marie Curie Network SENSENET Chemical sensing in Marine Environment
2009-2013 Chair of the SCOR-InterRidge Working Group Hydrothermal energy transfer and the ocvean carbon cycle
2009-2012 Programme Review Group. Underwater System Laboratory. NOC, Southampton, UK
2009-2013 Coordinator of the European Research Group DiWOOD ‘Sunken wood and associated fauna’
2007-2010 Steering committee of the FP7 European project CAREX Investigating Life in Extreme Environments
2007-2010 Scientific committee of the Collaborative Research Project CHEMECO Colonization of Chemosynthetic ecosystems of the ESF EUROCORES EuroDeep.
2005-2009 Scientific committee of the Research Group ECCHIS (Biologie des Ecosystèmes Chimiosynthétiques)
2004-2008 Scientific committee of the Marie Curie-FP6 Res. & Training Network MOMARNET
2004-2009 Chair of the Working Group Biogeochemical Interactions at Deep-Sea Vents of InterRidge

2018- Coordination of teaching Unit " Fonds océaniques sous la contrainte du changement global " (Master Sciences de la Mer Sorbonne U.  2)
2014- Coordination of teaching unit "Characterizing dynamics and trends in coastal environments " (Sorbonne U. - ERASMUS+ IMBRSea) (Master 2)
2009-2018 Coordination de l'UE Deep-sea ecosystems and Extreme Marine Environment Master speciality Ocenography and Marine Environment (OEM) UPMC-ERASMUS (EMBC-EMBC+)
2018- Coordination de l'Atelier de Recherche Encadrée CURIOUS (Licence 1)

Organisation of conferences and Workshop
2009 Session convener Transfer of hydrothermally-derived chemical energy to the biosphere : solving the paradox of high productivity in extreme environment Goldschmidt Conference, Davos, Switzerland. 22-26/06 2009.
2009 Session convener From molecules to organisms: Chemoautotrophic pathways and mechanisms of energy transfer in extreme marine environments. ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting, 25-30 Jan., Nice, France. Co-convener: S. Sievert (WHOI), M. Yakimov (IAMC-CNR)
2008 Organisation comittee Workshop FP7-CAREX Defining priorities for model ecosystems in extreme environment. 29/11- 2/12/08San Feliu de Guixol (Cataluna, Spain),
2007 Organisation committee wortkshop FP7-CAREX Priorities for environment-specific technological developments and infrastructures. San Feliu de Guixol (Cataluna, Spain), 2/12- 5/12/08
2005, 2006, 2007& 2008 Convener de la session Biogeochemical interactions in chemosynthetic deep-sea ecosystems: methods, tools and strategies EGU General Assembly , Austria. Co-Conveners: C. R. German (WHOI), S. Duperron (UPMC), W. Bach (RCOM)
2007 Organisation coimmittee Theoretical Institute (international school & workshop) d’InterRidge Biogeochemical interactions at deep-sea vents. . Woods Hole, USA, 10-14 Sept.
2005. Organisation committee International Workshop MOMAR Monitoring the mid-Atlantic Ridge, 7-9 april, Lisbonne, Portugal.

Outreach and medias
Participation to press conferences, interviews, outreach publications and public conferences. Scientific support in the realisation of a documentary film.

2010-2018 Head if the Benthic Ecogeochemistry Laboratory (CNRS-UPMC joint research unit)
Professor UPMC-Paris 6. Director of Laboratory "Ecogéochimie des Environnements Benthiques, CNRS-UPMC UMR 8222, Observatoire Océanologique, Station marine de Banyul-sur-Mer
Since oct 2009 Professor Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6. Responsable de l'Equipe Dynamique des Environnements Profonds au Laboratoire d'Océanologie Biologique, Station marine Banyul-sur-Mer
1999 – 2009 Researcher Ifremer, Département Etude des Ecosystèmes Profonds, Laboratoire Environnement Profond, Centre de Brest
1993-1999 Researcher Ifremer, Laboratoire Instrumentation Océanographique, Centre de Brest

Mariana Cruz
Nadine Le Bris
Ana Colaço
Frontiers in Marine Science
Jordi Grinyó
Pierre Chevaldonné
Thomas Schohn
Nadine Le Bris
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers
Kerry Howell
Ana Hilário
A. Louise Allcock
David Bailey
et al.
Nature Ecology & Evolution
Leila Chapron
Nadine Le Bris
Xavier Durrieu de Madron
Erwan Peru
et al.
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers
Pierre Galand
Marine Remize
Anne-Leila Meistertzheim
Audrey M Pruski
et al.
Environmental Microbiology
Nadine Le Bris
Mustafa Yücel
Anindita Das
Stefan Sievert
et al.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Jadwiga Rzeznik-Orignac
Antoine Puisay
Evelyne Derelle
Erwan Peru
et al.
Dimitri Kalenitchenko
Nadine Le Bris
Laëtitia Dadaglio
Erwan Peru
et al.
The International Society of Microbiologial Ecology Journal
Dimitri Kalenitchenko
Nadine Le Bris
Erwan Peru
Pierre Galand
Molecular Ecology
Jadwiga Rzeznik-Orignac
Dimitri Kalenitchenko
Jérôme J. Mariette
Jean-Yves Bodiou
et al.
Marine Biology
Anne.-Leila Meistertzheim
Franck Lartaud
Sophie Arnaud-Haond
Dimitri Kalenitchenko
et al.
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers
Dimitri Kalenitchenko
Marlène Dupraz
Nadine Le Bris
Carole Petetin
et al.
The International Society of Microbiologial Ecology Journal
Dimitri Kalenitchenko
Sonja K Fagervold
Audrey M Pruski
Gilles Vétion
et al.
The International Society of Microbiologial Ecology Journal
Sven R. Laming
Kamil M. Szafranski
Clara F. Rodrigues
Sylvie Marylène Gaudron
et al.
Sabine Gollner
Breea Govenar
Pedro Martinez Arbizu
Susan Mills
et al.
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers
Franck Lartaud
Simon Pareige
Marc de Rafélis
Lionel Feuillassier
et al.
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography
Karine Nedoncelle
Nadine Le Bris
Marc de Rafélis
Nathalie Labourdette
et al.
Chemical Geology
Franck Lartaud
Simon Pareige
Marc de Rafélis
Lionel Feuillassier
et al.
Aquatic Living Resources
Franck Lartaud
Marc de Rafélis
M Little
J. Dyment
et al.
InterRidge News
Sarah A. Bennett
Peter J. Statham
Darryl R.H. Green
Nadine Le Bris
et al.
Deep Sea Research
Franck Lartaud
Crispin T.S. Little
Marc de Rafelis
Germain Bayon
et al.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Félix Muller
Terry This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Brissac
Nadine Le Bris
Horst Felbeck
et al.
Environmental Microbiology
Mélina C.Z. Laurent
Olivier Gros
Jean-Pierre Brulport
Françoise Gaill
et al.
Marine Environmental Research