BIATSSContact Informations

Phone : 33 (0)4 68 88 73 82
Mail(s) : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Function and attachment

Technician CNRS
Correspondent of the lifelong learning


* Biology :

  • sampling
  • concentration by filtration
  • extraction
  • phase separation
  • dialysis
  • flow cytometry
  • spectrofluorimetry
  • normal and reverse phase chromatography
  • cellular culture
  • quantification by loss of ignition
  • optical and polarizing light microscopy

* Computing :

  • word processing and presentation software: Word, PowerPoint
  • biological sensing: Flower, Cell Quest, Flwinlab
  • quantification: QuickBasiq, SOFTmax Pro, TotalLab ;
  • data processing: Excel, GraphPad Prism;
  • bibliographic databases: File Maker Pro, Pro-Cite.

Start date in the Observatory: July 1994
Start date in the CNRS: July 2007

Frequented establishments

* Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls/mer -Laboratoire Arago

CNRS -Pierre and Marie Curie University

* Laboratoire Génome et Développement des Plantes

University of Perpignan, UMR 5096 du CNRS, IRD

3 monthsas part of my LaboratoryTechnician's Diploma (Brevet Technique Supérieur) :

« Analyse de l'expression du gène GUS dans des plantes transgéniques d'Arabidopsis thaliana»

- Sampling of transgenic plants
- Fluorimetric kinetic and determination of proteins
- Data processing


French and foreign diplomas

* Diploma of laboratory technician (BTS Biological and bio-technical analysis)

chemical, biochemical and microbiological methods in food industry, environment, medical field

*Accreditation to the autoclave conduct

* Prevention and Civic Aid - Level 1

* Certificate in blood sampling

* Graduated animator (BAFA)