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Researcher CNRS
Laboratoire d'écogéochimie des environnements benthiques (LECOB/CNRS-Sorbonne Université UMR 8222) Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls.

Dynamics of fonction and diversity in the community associated to engineer species in the coastal interface zone

• Ecology and conservation of coral reefs and Mediterranean gorgonians.
• Population dynamics, metapopulation dynamics and conservation of long lived species.
• Conservation and management of mediterranean red coral (Corallium rubrum).
• Effects of Ocean Acidification and Global climate change.

2013-2014 Postdoctoral Research Associate Laboratoire d'Ecogéochimie des Environnements Benthiques UPMC
2012–2013 Postdoctoral Research Associate CalState University Northridge, California
2009-2011 Postdoctoral Research Associate, ICM-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain
2007-2009 Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Pisa, Italy.
2009 Teacher, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Pisa, Italy.
2007 Teacher, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Pisa, Italy.
2006 Lecturer, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Pisa, Italy.
2006 Lecturer, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Pisa, Italy.

Thesis advisor/graduate students
PhD: Nuria Viladrich (UAB, Spain), Mariana Padron (UPMC, France), Carlotta Benedetti (U. of Pisa, Italy)
Master 2: Angela Martinez-Quintana, Elisabet Perez Albedejo (UB, Spain), Maricel Guron (UAB, Spain); Andrea Gori (U. of Pisa, Italy), Elisabetta Filosi (U. of Pisa, Italy), Ingrid Razionale (U. of Pisa, Italy),
Master 1: Maria Fruzzetti (U. of Pisa, Italy), Michele Cecchi (U. of Pisa, Italy), Damiano Bonatti (U. of Pisa, Italy), Luca Gandini (U. of Pisa, Italy), Sara Fabiani (U. of Pisa, Italy), Fanny Argiro (UPMC, France), Sara Atienza (U. of Barcelona, Spain), Chloé Carbonne (U. of Brest, France).


Sylvain Blouet
Lorenzo Bramanti
Katell Guizien
Vie et Milieu / Life & Environment
Elise Rigot
Lorenzo Bramanti
Arts et sciences
James Cant
Lorenzo Bramanti
Georgios Tsounis
Ángela Martínez Quintana
et al.
Coral Reefs
Sandra Navarro-Mayoral
Benoit Gouillieux
Victoria Fernandez-Gonzalez
Fernando Tuya
et al.
Coral Reefs
C. Boemare
E. Mosseri
G. Agin
L. Bramanti
et al.
npj Ocean Sustainability
Bruna Giordano
Lorenzo Bramanti
Jonathan Perrin
Ozan Kahramanoğulları
et al.
Frontiers in Marine Science
Mathilde Godefroid
Tom Zeines
Lorenzo Bramanti
Pascal Romans
et al.
Ecological Modelling
Lidriana Pinheiro
Antônio Rodrigues Ximenes Neto
Francisco Assis Aquino Filho Bezerra
Cassia Rosane Silveira Pinto
et al.
Lorenzo Bramanti
Elisabetta Manea
Bruna Giordano
Tristan Estaque
et al.
Mediterranean Marine Science
Ozan Kahramanoğulları
Bruna Giordano
Jonathan Perrin
Daniel Vielzeuf
et al.
Journal of Theoretical Biology
F Bulleri
C Pozas-Schacre
H Bischoff
L Bramanti
et al.
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Sergio Rossi
Lorenzo Bramanti
Paulo Horta
Louise Allcock
et al.
Federica Maggioni
Bramanti Lorenzo
Global Journal of Ecology
Laura Carugati
Lorenzo Bramanti
Bruna Giordano
Lucia Pittura
et al.
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Bruna Giordano
Lorenzo Bramanti
Mediterranean Marine Science
Davide Moccia
Alessandro Cau
Lorenzo Bramanti
Laura Carugati
et al.
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers
Edoardo Zelli
Gaëlle Quéré
Nicola Lago
Giulia Di Franco
et al.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
H R Lasker
Á Martínez-Quintana
L Bramanti
P.J. Edmunds
Scientific Reports
Martina Coppari
Lara Fumarola
Lorenzo Bramanti
Pascal Romans
et al.
Coral Reefs
Maria Carla Benedetti
Lorenzo Bramanti
Cristina Priori
Fabrizio Erra
et al.
Coral Reefs
Núria Viladrich
Lorenzo Bramanti
Georgios Tsounis
Martina Coppari
et al.
Mediterranean Marine Science
Peter Edmunds
Georgios Tsounis
Ralf Boulon
Lorenzo Bramanti
Marine Biology
Peter Edmunds
Hannah Nelson
Lorenzo Bramanti
Peter Edmunds
Georgios Tsounis
Ralf Boulon
Lorenzo Bramanti
Coral Reefs
Valerio Sbragaglia
Lorenzo Morroni
Lorenzo Bramanti
Boris Weitzmann
et al.
ICES Journal of Marine Science
Alessandro Cau
Lorenzo Bramanti
Rita Cannas
Davide Moccia
et al.
Advances in Oceanography and Limnology
Mariana Padrón
Federica Costantini
Sandra Baksay
Lorenzo Bramanti
et al.
Coral Reefs
Georgios Tsounis
Peter Edmunds
Lorenzo Bramanti
Bonnie Gambrel
et al.
Marine Biology
Pablo López-González
Lorenzo Bramanti
Pablo Escribano-Álvarez
Maria-Carla Benedetti
et al.
Mediterranean Marine Science
Mariana Padrón
Federica Costantini
Lorenzo Bramanti
Katell Guizien
et al.
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
N Viladrich
L Bramanti
G Tsounis
A Martínez-Quitana
et al.
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Giovanni Galli
Lorenzo Bramanti
Cristina Priori
Sergio Rossi
et al.
Ecological Modelling
Federica Costantini
Andrea Gori
Pablo Lopez-González
Lorenzo Bramanti
et al.
A. Martínez-Quintana
L. Bramanti
N. Viladrich
S. Rossi
et al.
Marine Biology
Lorenzo Bramanti
Juancho Movilla
Maricel Guron M Guron
Eva Calvo
et al.
Global Change Biology
Andrea Gori
Lorenzo Bramanti
Pablo López-González
Jana Thoma
et al.
Marine Biology
Sergio Rossi
Georgios Tsounis
Covadonga Orejas
Tirma Padrón
et al.
Marine Biology
Georgios Tsounis
Sergio Rossi
Jürgen Laudien
Lorenzo Bramanti
et al.
Marine Biology
Lorenzo Bramanti
Giampaolo Magagnini
Lucio de Maio
Giovanni Santangelo
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology

Popular publications
2005 Rossi S., Bramanti L., Tsounis G. and Gili J.M. – 2005. Recuperaciòn del coral rojo. Investigaciòn y Ciencia. Enero 2005:40-41.

Grants and fellowships
2013 Post doctoral grant Program LITEAU IV Project ROC CONNECT 2013 NSF (National Science Foundation) Collaborative research - RUI-Ecology and functional biology of octocoral communities (Non PI, significant collaborator)
2012 NSF grant Calstate University: effects of Ocean Acidification on the early life stages of scleractinian corals
2009 Post Doc Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship at Instituto de Ciencias del Mar, Barcelona: “Mediterranean red coral management and conservation”. Coordinator: Prof. J.M. Gili.
2007 Post Doc Fellowship at Department of Biology, University of Pisa: “Study of the Mediterranean Corallium rubrum populations (supervisor prof. G. Santangelo).
2006 Luigi e Francesca Brusarosco Fellowship: Post Doc fellowship from SItE (Italian Society of Ecology) at ICM-CSIC of Barcelona, Spain, (supervisor Prof J.M Gili).
2001 Three year grant from University of Pisa for a Ph.D. position in Evolutionary Biology

Synergistic activities
• Reviewing manuscripts for Journals including Biological Conservation, PLOS ONE, Marine Biology, Invertebrate Biology, Aquatic Biology and Scientia Marina, Marine Ecology Progress Series.
• Work in divulgation for college students with the company Seaproject s.a.s. working with local schools for the awareness of children. I work in whale watching programs with local agencies both in Spain and Italy.

Awards and Distinctions
2006 Giovanni Santangelo and Lorenzo Bramanti. Metodo per la riproduzione di corallo rosso e altri antozoi (system for the reproduction of red coral and other anthozoans). Patent n.PI2006A000126

Undergraduate: University of Pisa, Italy. Major: Marine Biology. Degree: Biological Sciences, 2000
Graduate: University of Pisa, Italy Major: Evolutionary Biology; Degree: Ph.D., 2004
1. University of Pisa, Italy (PI: Prof. G. Santangelo) - 2007-2009
2. ICM-CSIC, Barcelona (PI: Prof. J.M. Gili) – 2009-2011
3. CalState University Northridge (PI: Prof. P.J. Edmunds) 2012-2013
4. UPMC-LECOB, Observatoire Oceanologique Banyuls sur mer (PI: Dr K. Guizien)