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Directeur de recherche (DR) CNRS - HDR
Laboratoire d'écogéochimie des environnements benthiques (LECOB/CNRS-Sorbonne Université UMR 8222) Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls.
Domaine d’expertise
Écologie microbienne : liens entre la diversité des communautés (bactéries et archaea) et leur rôle dans l'écosystème marin
Associations hôte-microbiote
Écosystèmes chimiosynthétiques : diversité des communautés microbiennes formant la base des écosystèmes chimiosynthétiques
2009 Chercheur CNRS
2007-2009 Post Doc, CEAB-CSIC, Blanes, Espagne
2005-2007 Post Doc, Université Laval, Québec, Canada
2004 PhD, Université d'Helsinki, Helsinki, Finlande
Google Scholar
111. Ramond P, Galand PE, Logares R (2024). Microbial functional diversity and redundancy: moving forward. FEMS Microbiology Reviews, fuae031
110. Manea E, Bramanti L, Pezzolesi L, Falace A, Kaleb S, Bongiorni L, Galand PE (2025). Inter- and intraspecific diversity in bacterial communities associated with two crustose coralline algae from the NW Mediterranean Sea. Coral Reefs https://doi.org/10.1007/s00338-024-02605-6
109. Hochart C, Rouzé H, Rivière B, Ruscheweyh HJ, Hédouin L, Pochon X, Steneck RS, Poulain J, Belser C, Nugues MM, Galand PE (2024). High diversity of crustose coralline algae microbiomes across species and islands, and implications for coral recruits. Environmental Microbiome 19, 112
108. Castillo-Ilabaca C, Gutiérrez MH, Aranda M, Henríquez-Aedo K, Pereira A, Salamanca M, Galand PE, Jessen GL, Pantoja-Gutiérrez S (2024). PAH contamination in coastal surface sediments and associated bacterial communities. Scientific Reports 14, 29053
107. Chemel M, Peru E, Binsarhan M, Logares R, Lartaud F, Galand PE (2024). Cold-water coral mortality under ocean warming is associated with pathogenic bacteria. Environmental Microbiome 19: 76
106. Pereira O, Qin W, Galand PE, Debroas D, Lami R, Hochart C, Zhou Y, Zhou J, Zhang C (2024). Metabolic activities of marine ammonia‐oxidizing archaea orchestrated by quorum sensing. mLife, 3(3): 417-429
105. Canesi M, et al. (2024). Sea surface temperature reconstruction in the Pacific Ocean using multi-elemental proxy in Porites and Diploastrea corals: Application to Palau Archipelago. Chemical Geology, 645: 121884
104. Biderre-Petit C, Courtine D, Hennequin C, Galand PE, Bertilsson S, Debroas D, Monjot A, Lepère C, Divne AM, Hochart C (2024). A pan-genomic approach reveals novel Sulfurimonas clade in the ferruginous meromictic Lake Pavin. Molecular Ecology Ressources, e13923
103. Beauvais M, Schatt P, Montiel L, Logares R, Galand PE, Bouget FY (2023). Functional redundancy of seasonal vitamin B12 biosynthesis pathways in coastal marine microbial communities. Environmental Microbiology, 25 (12): 3753-3770
102. Porro B, et al. (2023). Different environmental response strategies in sympatric corals from Pacific Islands. Communications Earth & Environment, 4:311
101. Reddy MM, et al. (2023). Multi-omics determination of metabolome diversity in natural coral populations in the Pacific Ocean. Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1):281
100. Pascoal F, et al. (2023). Inter-comparison of marine microbiome sampling protocols. ISME communications, 3(1):84.
99. Voolstra CR, et al. (2023). Disparate genetic divergence patterns in three corals across a pan-Pacific environmental gradient highlight species-specific adaptation. npj Biodiversity, 2(1): 15
98. Canesi M, et al. (2023). Differences in carbonate chemistry up-regulation of long-lived reef-building corals. Scientific Reports, 13(1): 11589
97. Galand PE, et al. (2023) Diversity of the Pacific Ocean coral reef microbiome. Nature Communications, 14: 3039
96. Hochart C, et al., Galand PE (2023) Ecology of Endozoicomonadaceae in three coral genera across the Pacific Ocean. Nature Communications, 14: 3037
95. Veglia AJ, et al. (2023) Endogenous viral elements reveal associations between a non-retroviral RNA virus and symbiotic dinoflagellate genomes. Communications Biology, 6: 566
94. Sen A, Tanguy G, Galand PE, Andersen AC & Hourdez S (2023) Bacterial symbiont diversity in Arctic seep Oligobrachia siboglinids. Animal Microbiome, 5: 1-21
93. Rouan A, et al. (2023) Telomere DNA length regulation is influenced by seasonal temperature differences in short-lived but not in long-lived reef-building corals. Nature Communications, 14: 3038
92. Noel B, et al. (2023) Pervasive tandem duplications and convergent evolution shape coral genomes. Genome Biology, 24: 1-38
91. Lombard F, et al. (2023) Open science resources from the Tara Pacific expedition across coral reef and surface ocean ecosystems. Scientific Data, 10: 324
90. Belser C, et al. (2023) Integrative omics framework for characterization of coral reef ecosystems from the Tara Pacific expedition. Scientific Data, 10: 326
89. Armstrong EJ, et al. (2023) Host transcriptomic plasticity and photosymbiotic fidelity underpin Pocillopora acclimatization across thermal regimes in the Pacific Ocean. Nature Communications, 14: 3056
88. Pinhassi J, Farnelid H, Martínez García S, Teira E, Galand PE, Obernosterer I, Quince C, Vila-Costa M, Gasol JM, Lundin D, Andersson AF, Labrenz M, Riemann L (2022). Functional responses of key marine bacteria to environmental change–toward genetic counselling for coastal waters. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13: 869093
87. Debroas D, Hochart C, Galand PE (2022). Seasonal microbial dynamics in the ocean inferred from assembled and unassembled data: a view on the unknown biosphere. ISME Communications, 2(1):1-2
86. Maturana-Martínez C, Iriarte JL, Ha S-Y, Lee B, Ahn I-Y, Vernet M, Cape M, Fernández C, González HE, Galand PE (2022) Biogeography of Southern Ocean Active Prokaryotic Communities Over a Large Spatial Scale. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13:862812
85. Chapron L, Galand PE, Pruski AM, Peru E, Vétion G, Robin S, Lartaud F (2021). Resilience of cold-water coral holobionts to thermal stress. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 288(1965), 20212117
84. Jorissen H, Galand PE, Bonnard I, Meiling S, Raviglione D, Meistertzheim AL, Hédouin L, Banaigs B, Payri CE, Nugues MM (2021). Coral larval settlement preferences linked to crustose coralline algae with distinct chemical and microbial signatures. Scientific Reports, 11, 14610
83. Chaffron S, Delage E, Budinich M, Vintache D, Henry N, Nef C, Ardyna M, Zayed AA, Junger PC, Galand PE … Eveillard D (2021). Environmental vulnerability of the global ocean epipelagic plankton community interactome. Science Advances, 7 (35), eabg1921
82. Kalenitchenko D, Peru E, Galand PE (2021). Historical contingency impacts on community assembly and ecosystem function in chemosynthetic marine ecosystems. Scientific Reports, 11, 13994
81. Maturana-Martínez C, Fernandez C, González HE, Galand PE (2021). Different active microbial communities in two contrasted subantarctic fjords. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12:620220
80. Lambert S, Lozano JC, Bouget FY, Galand PE (2021). Seasonal marine microorganisms change neighbours under contrasting environmental conditions. Environmental Microbiology, 23: 2592-2604
79. Rouzé H, Galand PE, Medina M, Bongaerts P, Pichon M, Pérez-Rosales G, Torda G, Moya A, UTP III Team, Raina JB, Hédouin L (2021). Symbiotic associations of the deepest recorded photosynthetic scleractinian coral (172 m depth). ISME Journal, 15: 1564–1568
78. Pereira O, Hochart C, Bœuf D, Auguet JC, Debroas D, Galand PE (2020). Seasonality of archaeal proteorhodopsin and associated Marine Group IIb ecotypes (Ca. Poseidoniales) in the North Western Mediterranean Sea. ISME Journal, 15: 1302–1316
77. Beier S, Andersson AF, Galand PE, Hochart C, Logue JB, McMahon K, Bertilsson S (2020). The environment drives microbial trait variability in aquatic habitats. Molecular Ecology, 29: 4605-4617
76. JM Flores, G Bourdin, O Altaratz, M Trainic, N Lang-Yona, E Dzimban, S Steinau, F Tettich, S Planes, D Allemand, S Agostini, B Banaigs, E Boissin, E Boss, E Douville, D Forcioli, P Furla, PE Galand, M Sullivan, É Gilson, F Lombard, C Moulin, S Pesant, J Poulain, S Reynaud, S Romac, S Sunagawa, OP Thomas, R Troublé, C de Vargas, R Vega Thurber, CR Voolstra, P Wincker, D Zoccola, C Bowler, G Gorsky, Y Rudich, A Vardi, I Koren (2020). Tara Pacific expedition’s atmospheric measurements of marine aerosols across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans: overview and preliminary results. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101: E536–E554
75. Hédouin L, Rouzé H, Berthe C, Perez-Rosales G, Martinez E, Chancerelle Y, Galand PE, Lerouvreur F, Nugues MM, Pochon X, Siu G, Steneck R, Planes S (2020). Contrasting patterns of mortality in Polynesian coral reefs following the third global coral bleaching event in 2016. Coral Reefs, 39: 939–952
74. Chapron L, Le Bris N, Durrieu De Madron X, Peru E, Galand PE, Lartaud F (2020). Long term monitoring of cold-water coral growth shows response to episodic meteorological events in the NW Mediterranean Deep-Sea Research Part I, 160: 103255
73. Chapron L, Lartaud F, Le Bris N, Peru E and Galand PE (2020) Local Variability in Microbiome Composition and Growth Suggests Habitat Preferences for Two Reef-Building Cold-Water Coral Species. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11:275
72. PE Galand, M. Remize, AL Meistertzheim, AM Pruski, E Peru, TJ Suhrhoff, N Le Bris, G Vétion, F Lartaud (2020). Diet shapes cold-water corals bacterial communities. Environmental Microbiology, 22: 354-368
71. Gorsky et al. (2019). Expanding Tara Oceans protocols for underway, ecosystemic sampling of the ocean-atmosphere interface during Tara Pacific expedition (2016-18). Frontiers in Marine Sciences, 6:750
70. S Planes, D Allemand, S Agostini, B Banaigs, E Boissin, E Boss, G Bourdin, C Bowler, E Douville, JM Flores, D Forcioli, P Furla, PE Galand [...] (2019). The Tara Pacific expedition—A pan-ecosystemic approach of the “-omics” complexity of coral reef holobionts across the Pacific Ocean. PLoS biology, 17 (9): e3000483
69. Mouchi V, Chapron L, Peru E, Pruski AM, Meistertzheim AL, Vétion G, Galand PE, Lartaud F (2019). Long-term aquaria study suggests species-specific responses of two cold-water corals to macro-and microplastics exposure. Environmental Pollution, 253: 322-329
68. Pereira O, Hochart C, Auguet JC, Debroas D, Galand PE (2019). Genomic ecology of Marine Group II, the most common marine planktonic Archaea across the surface ocean. MicrobiologyOpen, e852
67. Galand PE, Logares R (2019). Ecology of Rare Microorganisms. Encyclopedia of Microbiology. Editor: Thomas M. Schmidt, Encyclopedia of Microbiology (Fourth Edition), Academic Press, Pages 90-96
66. Quéré G, Intertaglia L, Payri CE, Galand PE (2019). Disease specific bacterial communities in a coralline algae of the northwestern Mediterranean Sea: a combined culture dependent and-independent approach. Frontiers in microbiology10: 1850
65. Lambert S, Tragin M, Lozano JC, Ghiglione JF, Vaulot D, Bouget FY, Galand PE (2019). Rhythmicity of coastal marine picoeukaryotes, bacteria and archaea despite irregular environmental perturbations. ISME Journal,13: 388–401
64. Galand PE, Chapron L, Meistertzheim AL, Peru E, Lartaud F (2018). The effect of captivity on the dynamics of active bacterial communities differs between two deep sea coral species. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9:2565
63. Chapron L, Péru E, Engler A, Ghiglione JF, Meistertzheim AL, Pruski AM, Purser A, Vétion G, Galand PE, Lartaud F (2018). Macro- and microplastics affect cold-water corals growth, feeding and behaviour. Scientific Reports, 8: 15299
62. Celussi M, Quero GM, Zoccarato L, Franzo A, Corinaldesi C, Rastelli E, Lo Martire M, Galand PE, Ghiglione JF, Chiggiato J, Coluccelli A, Russo A, Pallavicini A, Fonda-Umani S, Del Negro P, Luna GM (2018). Planktonic prokaryote and protist communities in a submarine canyon system in the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean). Progress in Oceanography,168:210-221
61. Compte‐Port S, Borrego CM, Moussard H, Jeanbille M, Restrepo‐Ortiz CX, de Diego A, Rodriguez‐Iruretagoiena A, Gredilla A, Fdez‐Ortiz de Vallejuelo S, Galand PE, Kalenitchenko D, Rols JL, Pokrovsky OS, Gonzalez AG, Camarero L, Muñiz S, Navarro‐Navarro E, Auguet JC (2018). Metal contaminations impact archaeal community composition, abundance and function in remote alpine lakes. Environmental Microbiology, 20(7): 2422-2437
60. Rzeznik-Orignac J, Puisay A, Derelle E, Peru E, Le Bris N, Galand PE (2018). Co-occurring nematodes and bacteria in submarine canyon sediments. PeerJ,6:e5396
59. Galand PE, Pereira O, Hochart C, Auguet JC, Debroas D (2018). A strong link between marine microbial community composition and function challenges the idea of functional redundancy. ISME Journal,12: 2470–2478
58. Molina V, Eissler Y, Cornejo M, Galand PE, Dorador C, Hengst M, Ferandez C, Francois JP (2018). Distribution of greenhouse gases in hyper-arid and arid areas of northern Chile and the contribution of the high altitude wetland microbiome (Salar de Huasco, Chile). Antonie van Leeuwenhoek,111(8):1421-1432
57. Kalenitchenko D, Lebris N, Peru E, Galand PE (2018). Ultra-rare marine microbes contribute to key sulfur related ecosystem functions. Molecular Ecology,27(6): 1494-1504
56. Kalenitchenko D, Peru E, Contereira Pereia L, Petetin C, Galand PE, Lebris N (2018). The early conversion of deep-sea wood falls into chemosynthetic hotspots revealed by in situ monitoring. Scientific Reports,8: 907
55. Kalenitchenko D, Le Bris N, Dadaglio L, Peru E, Besserer A, Galand PE (2018). Bacteria alone establish the chemical basis of the wood-fall chemosynthetic ecosystem in the deep-sea. ISME Journal,12(2):367-379
54. Meistertzheim AL, Nugues MM, Quéré G, Galand PE (2017). Pathobiomes differ between two diseases affecting reef building coralline algae. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8, 1686
53. Galand PE, Lucas S, Fagervold SK, Peru E, Pruski AM, Vétion G, Dupuy C, Guizien K (2016). Disturbance increases microbial community diversity and production in marine sediments. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7:1950
52. Luna GM, Chiggiato J, Quero GM, Schroeder K, Bongiorni L, Kalenitchenko D, Galand PE (2016). Dense water plumes modulate richness and productivity of deep sea microbes. Environmental Microbiology, 18 (12): 4537-4548
51. Meistertzheim AL, Lartaud F, Arnaud-Haond S, Kalenitchenko D, Bessalam M, Le Bris N, Galand PE (2016). Patterns of bacteria-host associations suggest different ecological strategies between two reef building cold-water coral species. Deep Sea Research Part I, 114: 12-22
50. Blanquer A, Uriz MJ, Cebrian E, Galand PE (2016). Snapshot of a bacterial microbiome shift during the early symptoms of a massive sponge die-off in the western Mediterranean. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7:752
49. Kalenitchenko D, Dupraz M, Le Bris N, Petetin C, Rose C, West NJ, Galand PE (2016). Ecological succession leads to chemosynthesis in mats colonizing wood in sea water. ISME Journal, 10(9): 2246-2258
48. Galand PE, Salter I, Kalenitchenko D (2015). Ecosystem productivity is associated with bacterial phylogenetic distance in surface marine waters. Molecular Ecology, 24(23):5785-95
47. Gutierrez MH, Galand PE, Moffat C, Pantoja S (2015). Melting glacier impacts community structure of Bacteria, Archaea and Fungi in a Chilean Patagonian fjord. Environmental Microbiology, 17(10):3882–3897
46. Hugoni M, Agogue H, Taib N, Domaizon I, Moné A, Galand PE, Bronner G, Debroas D, Mary I (2015). Temporal dynamics of active prokaryotic nitrifiers and archaeal communities from river to sea. Microbial Ecology, 70: 473-483
45. Kalenitchenko D, Fagervold SK, Pruski AM, Vétion G, Yücel M, Le Bris N, Galand PE (2015). Temporal and spatial constraints on community assembly during microbial colonisation of wood in seawater. ISME Journal, 9: 2657–2670
44. Hugoni M, Domaizon I, Taib N, Biderre-Petit C, Agogue H, Galand PE, Debroas D, Mary I (2015). Temporal dynamics of active Archaea in oxygen depleted zones of two deep lakes. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 7: 321-329
43. Salter I, Galand PE, Fagervold SK, Lebaron P, Obernosterer I, Oliver MJ, Suzuki M, Tricoire C (2015). Seasonal dynamics of active SAR11 ecotypes in the oligotrophic Northwest Mediterranean Sea. ISME Journal, 9: 347-360
42. Fröhlich-Nowoisky J, Ruzene Nespoli C, PickersgillDA, Galand PE, Müller-GermannI, Nunes T, Gomes Cardoso J, Almeida SM, Pio C, Andreae MO, Conrad R, Pöschl U, Després VR (2014). Diversity and seasonal dynamics of airborne archaea. Biogeosciences, 11: 6067-6079
41. Fagervold SK, Bourgeois S, Pruski AM, Charles F, Kerhervé P, Vétion G, Galand PE (2014). River organic matter shapes microbial communities in the sediment of the Rhône prodelta. ISME Journal, 8: 2327–2338
40. Fagervold SK, Romano C, Kalenitchenko D, Borowski C, Nunes-Jorge A, Martin D, Galand PE (2014). Microbial communities on sunken wood are structured by wood-boring bivalves and location in a submarine canyon. PLOS ONE, 9(5): e96248
39. Pedneault E, Galand PE, Potvin M, Tremblay JE, Lovejoy C (2014). Archaeal amoA and ureC genes and their transcriptional activity in the Arctic Ocean. Scientific Reports, 4: 4661
38. Conrad R, Claus P, Chidthaisong A, Lu Y, Fernandez Scavino A, Liu Y, Angel R, Galand PE, Casper P, Guerin F, Enrich-Prast A (2014). Stable carbon isotope biogeochemistry of propionate and acetate in methanogenic soils and lake sediments. Organic Geochemistry, 73: 1-7
37. Bessette S, Fagervold SK, Romano C, Martin D, Le Bris N, Galand PE (2014). Diversity of bacterial communities on sunken woods in the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 22(1):60-66
36. Negandhi K, Laurion I, Whiticar MJ, Galand PE, Xu X, Lovejoy C (2013). Small thaw ponds: an unaccounted source of methane in the Canadian High Arctic. PLOS ONE, 8(11): e78204
35. Blanquer A, Uriz MJ, Galand PE (2013). Removing environmental sources of variation to gain insight on symbionts vs. transient microbes in High and Low Microbial Abundance sponges. Environmental Microbiology, 15(11): 3008-3019
34. Galand PE, Alonso-Saez L, Bertilsson S, Lovejoy C, Casamayor EO (2013). Contrasting activity patterns determined by BrdU incorporation in bacterial ribotypes from the Arctic Ocean in winter. Frontiers in Microbiology, 4: 00118
33. Hugoni M, Taiba N, Debroas D, Domaizon I, Jouan Dufourne I, Bronner G, Salter I, Agogué H, Mary I, Galand PE(2013). Structure of the rare archaeal biosphere and seasonal dynamics of active ecotypes in surface coastal waters. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A, 110(15): 6004-6009
32. Fagervold SK, Bessette S, Romano C, Martin D, Plyuscheva M, Le Bris N, Galand PE (2013). Microbial communities associated with the degradation of oak wood in the Blanes submarine canyon and its adjacent open slope (NW Mediterranean), Progress in Oceanography, 118: 137-143
31. Yücel M, Galand PE, Fagervold SK, Contreira-Pereira L, Le Bris N (2013). Sulfide production and consumption in degrading wood in the marine environment. Chemosphere, 90(2): 403-409
30. Ghiglione JF , Galand PE, Pommier T, Pedrós-Alió C, Maas EW, Bakker K, Bertilson S, Kirchman DL, Lovejoy C, Yager PL, Murray AE (2012). Pole to pole biogeography of surface and deep marine bacterial communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A, 109(43): 17633-1763
29. Fagervold SK, Galand PE, Zbinden M, Gaill F, Lebaron P, Palacios C (2012). Sunken woods on the ocean floor provide diverse specialized habitats for microorganisms. FEMS Microbiology Ecology,82(3): 616-628
28. Comeau AM, Harding T, Galand PE, Vincent WF, Lovejoy C (2012). Vertical distribution of microbial communities in a perennially stratified Arctic lake with saline, anoxic bottom waters. Scientific Reports, 2: 604
27. Galand PE, Bourrain M, De Maistre E, Catala P, Desdevises Y, Elifantz H, Kirchman DL, Lebaron P (2012). Phylogenetic and functional diversity of Bacteria and Archaea in a unique stratified lagoon of the Clipperton atoll (N Pacific). FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 79(1): 203-217
26. Barberán A, Fernández-Guerra A, Auguet JC, Galand PE and Casamayor EO (2011). Phylogenetic ecology of widespread uncultured clades of the Kingdom Euryarchaeota. Molecular Ecology, 20(9): 1988–1996
25. Lovejoy C, Galand PE and Kirchman DL (2011). Microbial diversity in the Arctic Ocean and surrounding seas. Marine Biodiversity, 45: 5-12
24. Galand PE, Yrjala K and Conrad R (2010). Stable carbon isotope fractionation during methanogenesis in three boreal peatland ecosystems. Biogeosciences, 7: 3893-3900
23. Galand PE, Potvin M, Casamayor EO and Lovejoy C (2010). Hydrography shapes bacterial biogeography of the deep Arctic Ocean. ISME Journal, 4: 564–576
22. Galand PE, Gutiérrez-Provecho C, Massana R, Gasol JM and Casamayor EO (2010). Inter-annual recurrence of archaeal assemblages in the coastal NW Mediterranean Sea (Blanes Bay Microbial Observatory). Limnology and Oceanography, 55(5): 2117-2125
21. Alonso-Sáez L, Galand PE, Casamayor EO, Pedrós-Alió C and Bertilsson S (2010). High bicarbonate assimilation in the dark by arctic bacteria. ISME Journal, 4: 1581–1590
20. Pouliot J, Galand PE, Lovejoy C and Vincent W (2009). Vertical structure of archaeal communities and the distribution of ammonium monooxygenase A gene variants in two meromictic High Arctic lakes. Environmental Microbiology, 11(3): 687-699
19. Galand PE, Casamayor EO, Kirchman DL and Lovejoy C (2009). Unique archaeal assemblages in the Arctic Ocean unveiled by massively parallel tag sequencing. ISME Journal, 3(7): 860-869
18. Galand PE, Lovejoy C, Hamilton AK, Ingram RG, Pedneault E and Carmack EC (2009). Archaeal diversity and a gene for ammonia oxidation are coupled to oceanic circulation. Environmental Microbiology, 11(4): 971-980
17. Galand PE, Casamayor EO, Kirchman DL and Lovejoy C (2009). Ecology of the rare microbial biosphere of the Arctic Ocean. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A, 106(52): 22427-22432
16. Hamilton AK, Lovejoy C, Galand PE, Ingram GR (2008). Water masses and biogeography of picoeukaryote assemblages in a cold hydrographically complex system. Limnology and Oceanography, 53(3): 922-935
15. Galand PE, Lovejoy C, Pouliot J, Garneau ME and Vincent WF (2008). Microbial community diversity and heterotrophic production in a coastal arctic ecosystem: A stamukhi lake and its source waters. Limnology and Oceanography, 53(2): 813-823
14. Pearce DA and Galand PE (2008). Microbial biodiversity and biogeography. Polar Lakes and Rivers: Limnology of Arctic and Antarctic Aquatic Ecosystems, p. 213-230.
13. Galand PE, Lovejoy C, Pouliot J and Vincent W (2008). Heterogeneous archaeal communities in the particle-rich environment of an arctic shelf ecosystem. Journal of Marine Systems, 74: 774-782
12. Van Hove P, Vincent WF, Galand PE and Wilmotte A (2008). Abundance and diversity of picocyanobacteria in High Arctic lakes and fjords. Algological Studies, 126: 209-227
11. Juottonen H, Galand PE, and Yrjala K (2006). Detection of methanogenic Archaea in peat: comparison of PCR primers targeting the mcrA gene. Research in Microbiology, 157(10): 914-921
10. Galand PE, Lovejoy C and Vincent WF (2006). Remarkably diverse and contrasting archaeal communities in a large arctic river and the coastal Arctic Ocean. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 44: 115-126
9. Merila P, Galand PE, Fritze H, Tuittila ES, Kukko-oja K, Laine J and Yrjala K (2006). Methanogen communities along a primary succession transect of mire ecosystems. FEMS Microbial Ecology, 55: 221-229
8. Galand PE, Fritze H, Conrad R and Yrjala K (2005). Pathways for Methanogenesis and Diversity of Methanogenic Archaea in Three Boreal Peatland Ecosystems. Applied Environmental Microbiology, 71(4): 2195-2198
7. Galand PE, Juottonen H, Fritze H and Yrjala K (2005). Methanogen Communities in a Drained Bog: Effect of Ash Fertilization. Microbial Ecology, 49: 209-217
6. Juottonen H, Galand PE, Tuittila ES, Laine J, Fritze H and Yrjala K (2005). Methanogen communities and Bacteria along an ecohydrological gradient in a northern raised bog complex. Environmental Microbiology, 7(10): 1547-1557
5. Penning H, Plugge CM, Galand PE and Conrad R (2005). Variation of carbon isotope fractionation in hydrogenotrophic methanogenic microbial cultures and environmental samples at different energy status. Global Change Biology, 11: 2103-2113
4. Galand PE, Fritze H and Yrjala K (2003). Microsite-dependent changes in methanogenic populations in a boreal oligotrophic fen. Environmental Microbiology, 5(11): 1133-1143
3. Galand PE, Saarnio S, Fritze H and Yrjala K (2002). Depth related diversity of methanogen Archaea in Finnish oligotrophic fen. FEMS Microbial Ecology, 42: 441-449
2. Drengstig A, Fevolden SE, Galand PE and Aschan MM (2000). Population structure of the deep-sea shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in the north-east Atlantic based on allozyme variation. Aquatic Living Resources, 13(2): 121-128
1. Galand PE and Fevolden SE (2000). Population structure of Chlamys islandica in the Northeast Atlantic – northern stocks compared with a southern relict population. Sarsia, 85: 183-188